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Population: 3,600
  • Humans 65%
  • Half-Elves 16%
  • Shifters 16%
  • Elves 3%
  • Other 3%


Havenglen is ruled by a council of Elders which is lead by Keryn Valdaren who meet with villagers in frequent townhalls to hear the problems and suggestions, deliberate, and enforce decisions via the social contract.


The villagers themselves organize a militia, trained by veterans of the last war, mostly to defend their livestock from animal attacks and the occasional monster from the forests in the hills. Currently run by Gallus and his second in command, Zeva.

Industry & Trade

Havenglen is predominently an agriciultural village, farming crops and animals for food and resources. Merchants do travel occasionally into the village to trade, mostly metal tools or Druidic magical implements, and in return purchase high quality wool thread.


Havenglen has sprawling farms and pastures up and down the Wolfstal River, with a large granary and water mill near the center of the village. There is also an Animal Messenger tower where a scribe records messages from Animal Messengers traveling from throughout the Reaches.


Havenglen was settleed a few hundred years ago by farmers who found the fertile valley and convenient river a great place to plant crops. Over the years, the village has grown and expanded throughout most of the valley in a rather decentralized fashion. Near a watermill used to grind grains into flower, a town center of sorts sprang up and a town hall was built to facilitate communication among the villages.


Majority of the buildings in Havenglen use the timber from the valley with thatched and wooden roofs. A few buildings were made from fire-hardened clay dug up from the river. Buildings tend to be single story cabins or huts, with a few multi-room buildings, namely the Broken Plough Inn.


Havenglen is situated in the center of a large valley called the Wolfstal and is built around the Wolfstal River.

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby forested hills. Fertile ground for planting crops and breeding livestock. A large river providing fresh water and powering a watermill to grind grains into flour.
Founding Date
758 YK
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization
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