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Episode 6: Several Days of Slithering

General Summary

24 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms   Svent goes to see the assistant over-watcher of the Blackened Nails kobold tribe, Grazk. Svent questions the kobold leader about the late-night assault from the Great Talon kobolds during their trip to Mount Ugruth, but Grazk can add no details. He says he will inquire. In the meantime, Svent inquires about the particulars of joining the Blackened Nails, thinking that membership might offer some security. After pledging his loyalty and help to the tribe should they need it, Svent is accepted into the tribe and his right hand nails (ceremoniously) blackened.   Sellennis arrives to join Shay and Svent for lunch at the Red Raven. They discuss the coming venture seeking the old city under the nearby hillside. They expect to enter into soon with Iss'tamin, so Sellennis agrees to join them in searching out the remains of that ancient city.   Upon returning to the temple, Shay gains the promise of three healing potions from Castinus (which arrive later that day).   Shay visits the market area and makes arrangements with Izik to hire a small retinue of kobold pick bearers in case of excavation or trouble.       25 Tarsakh   Shay and Svent go to see Sellennis, with a scrawled note regarding a historian they received. Sellennis confirms it is the promised name of a local historian. They elect to go see Jusmarin together.   The elegant and self-adulating historian provides a wealth of information on Jhaamdath, that Hlondeth is built beside and over the ruins of the Jhaamdath city of Lirremar, and who the triple circlet icon likely represented. But the sage knows little else about the entity. The fellow also gossips about Brother Anacian Kurkuras , saying he is actually the younger son of the noble Kurkuras family. Finally, he explains that the relic Castinus mentioned may be the halo or headpiece of Antonia of Hjordis, a planetar that served Tyr and Ilmater in the Procession of Justice.   Svent and Shay go to share their information with Iss'tamin that evening and meet the guide for the venture, Mirko Ristic, a somewhat odd half-elf. He tells the group he found the item in a half-collapsed tunnel in the western sewers, and isn't sure there are more to be found. He thinks the entrance to the old city is somewhere nearby, but doesn't think it's easy or know what's left. He also warns the group that in the sewers in that part of town, it's easy to get turned wrong and end up beneath the Inner Circle and near the Cathedral of Emerald Scales... where many large snakes roam the tunnels. He will do more research and they will gather the next night.       26 Tarsakh   Following a second meeting with Mirko at Iss'tamin's estate, the group plans to meet the next evening near the Dock Gate and make their way into into the Warehouse District just west of Extaminos Hill. This is where the entrance is that his contact was able to point out.   27 Tarsakh   The group meets an hour after dark and ascends the warehouse district hill, looking for the old undercity entrance. Upon finding it, they descend.

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
21 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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