Session 012: The Interrogation Report

General Summary

Starting Day: 13th of Readying, in the morning

Quinn is Gone!

Tama and Quinn are questioned about what happened at the Salty Side inn. After the statesments Quinn is taken to House Arcturus's stronghold within Vespera for further questioning. Tama and the owner, Captain Aldric Stormrider talked about the men that attacked. Aldric doesn't know who these men are, but warns the party that people tend to not be who they seem around here. After Otto described the man that he met at House Aurora, but the Captain doesn't recall anyone of that description, but believes that it's connected somehow.
  Otto finds a seamstress to sew a pouch into his undershirt to hide the writ. [Retcon] The party did check in at House Arcturus's stronghold to make sure that Quinn was fine, but they find he has been taking out of the town. But, he was not charged. The guards offered the name Sir Galen to the party.

Astar is Born

As Otto is shopping for some really fashionable anklets, he meets a beautiful woman named Astar. They hit if off and and she propositioned the party to help her find some things that have gone missing. She seems intentionally vague on the issue.
  Otto sets up a meeting at a high brow establishment called The Nook that is near the boardwalk. Gigby Copperbeard the host, is told that Otto and his wife are celebrating their anniversary. They are going to swing with other friends and they will need tables. He told Bigsby it was a cuckold thing, and Bigsby assumes he is wanting to swing with him and his wife. He is very disappointed that Otto doesn't want to swing him.

The meeting

Astar meets with Otto and they have a lovely dinner within earshot of Tama and Rosemary, who has brought her rapier. The party has purchased fine clothing for the occasion. Astar makes begins to describe the what she is missing and the party puts together that it is the black writ. Something has taken 5 of her blank writs and is writing questionable contracts for hell. If she were to get that back, she could cancel the deal with Tanna and free her soul from Hell. She also tells the party that reading and thinking of the beings mentioned within the writ will make Hell aware of their existence.

The Train

Departing Vepsera through the Arctrain Otto sees Brother Vincent departing. He has come to rid the Einmanns of their devils. Each member is given their own cabin within the train. After putting their effects into their cabins and leaving, Tama notices a rat scurry under Otto's door. Opening the door, he sees movement under Otto's overs. Pulling back the cover he sees a tiny winged creature around 1 foot tall rummaging through Otto's bags.
  Ending Day: 14th of Readying, 14th hour

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
A Night of Peaceful Sleep? (7/16/23) by Tama
Report Date
17 Jul 2023
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