Session 043: Walking the Streets of Sigil Report

General Summary

In the streets of Sigil, the City of Doors, a grizzled halfling with a single eye approached the party. "I know where you can find diamond dust," he rasped, his demeanor shifty and nervous. "For a finder's fee of a hundred gold, I'll lead you there. But the dust itself will cost you thirty-five thousand."   Otto and Rosemary exchanged a glance, weighing the cost against the value of their quest. With a nod, they agreed to the halfling's terms, following him through the bustling streets until they reached a burlesque club, the air thick with smoke and laughter.   Inside, Otto found himself face to face with a Rakshasa, the tension palpable as their eyes locked in a silent exchange. The Rakshasa attempted to probe Otto's thoughts, but sensing the intrusion, Otto abruptly terminated the transaction, much to the Rakshasa's dismay.   Meanwhile, Quinn and Tama sought an audience with a bearded devil, proposing a pact: Quinn would secure the hellish writs from Otto in exchange for eternal servitude to him and his family. Though initially receptive, Quinn's casual demeanor left the devil feeling slighted, prompting Quinn to withdraw from the negotiation.   Unfazed, an Erinyes flew down before Quinn, offering a similar bargain but with Otto relinquishing the writs directly. Sensing her growing impatience, Quinn provoked her, triggering a sudden confrontation that ended with Quinn being shielded by fiery infernal script and the Erinyes stating "You are claimed" and fleeing in terror.   Meanwhile, Otto found himself ensnared in a game of Tetra Dice, drawn into a world of chance and deception alongside a group of Yuan-ti. As Tama probed for information on the Cult of the Nameless One, the Yuan-ti revealed a schism within their ranks, with some forsaking their allegiance to Seyth in favor of the blasphemous serpent deity. Seizing an opportunity, Quinn brokered a deal, exchanging information for future assistance.   Armed with newfound knowledge, the party ventured to Mystwall, a fortress looming over a cluster of humble dwellings. Amidst discussions of breaking enchantments and confronting dark forces, Zolina Hawthorne approached Tama, her presence unsettling him as she revealed the truth of her extended absence.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
07 Apr 2024
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