Session 047: We got Big ballz Report

General Summary

The party entered the bastion, decorated lavishly for a grand ball in their honor. Nobility from all over the span mingled beneath glittering chandeliers, the air filled with polite conversation and music. Tama met Brenth, a dignified nobleman, who offered her a residence and a steward, which she graciously accepted. Quinn encountered Thalion, an elf known for his intellect, who invited Quinn to reside in his estate with his cousin as steward, an offer Quinn accepted with gratitude.   Otto, approached by the graceful noblewoman Zoi, received a marriage proposal and the title of Lord of Hawthorn Hall. Instead, Otto sought out Arathur, an aging patriarch, and proposed adopting Zoi into his lineage to join their house. Arathur agreed, and Zoi consented, knowing Orellio, Arathur’s son, would soon become patriarch. The evening was filled with alliances and pleasantries, marking the party’s growing influence and promising futures.  

A Troubled Celebration

    The atmosphere was festive as friends gathered to celebrate with Tama. Among the attendees was a fellow druid and close friend of Tama's, Dayflower. Initially, her presence seemed purely celebratory, but it soon became evident that she had ulterior motives. Dayflower's husband, Thorne, had recently been resurrected, but the joy of his return was marred by a sinister curse. Thorne had been tainted by the hag's blood that had seeped into the grounds of their land, causing his life to ebb slowly away. Despite Dayflower's fervent prayers and efforts, Thorne's condition continued to deteriorate.   Desperate, Dayflower approached Tama with a plea. She had heard of Tama's ring of regeneration and believed it could save Thorne's life. However, Tama regretfully informed her that he had sold the ring to Vaelin the Ring Maker a month prior. The situation grew tense when Quinn, another guest at the party, interjected. He harshly accused Dayflower of being "forest trash," an insult that provoked Tama to slap him in defense of his friend.   The slap echoed through the room, causing the celebration to shift into a charged and uneasy atmosphere. As the tension reached its peak, Jowan , stepped in to diffuse the situation. He thanked everyone for attending, and as the clock struck midnight, the nobility began to disperse.  

A Desperate Search

    Despite Jowan's intervention, the night was far from over. Quinn voiced his suspicions to Tama, suggesting that Dayflower might be dead and this entire scenario a ruse. Concerned but uncertain, Tama decided to heed Quinn's words and left to find Vaelin Silverglade, hoping to reclaim the ring of regeneration.  

A Dangerous Encounter

  Meanwhile, Quinn and Otto, needing a respite from the night's events, decided to get a drink. As they strolled through the dark, cobbled streets of Epoch, the air was thick with the remnants of the evening's tension. Suddenly, Quinn heard a woman's voice call his name. He turned to see Effandra, Master of Worship, a notorious Medusa, staring at him from the shadows. Quinn managed to resist her petrifying gaze, but he knew that such resistance could only last for so long.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
08 Jul 2024
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