Jowan Cormac

First Son Jowan Cormac

Jowan, the long-standing First Son of the Bastion, carries a history shrouded in both reverence and intrigue. With a tenure surpassing five decades, he commands respect and admiration within the clerical order. However, his reclusive nature and infrequent public appearances have led to perceptions of detachment among the people. Jowan, a formidable and seasoned cleric of Heironeous, possesses great power but often delegates actions to others, favoring a strategic and measured approach.
Clad in his regal vestments, Jowan wields Evershine, a legendary great morningstar that radiates with divine energy. This formidable weapon stands as a symbol of his authority and the righteous might he possesses. While he refrains from engaging directly in many endeavors, preferring to entrust tasks to capable individuals, his guidance and wisdom permeate the decisions made within the Bastion.   Jowan's leadership style revolves around calculated delegation, recognizing the importance of empowering others and fostering growth within the ranks. This approach allows him to focus on broader matters and strategic planning, ensuring the smooth operation of the Bastion and the flourishing of the council. While some perceive his lack of public presence as disconnection, those who have worked closely with him understand his underlying commitment and dedication to the cause.   Within the inner sanctums of the Bastion, Jowan's influence is profound. His wisdom and counsel shape the direction of the council, guiding the collective decisions made in the name of the 7 goodly gods. Though he may appear distant, his powerful presence and immense knowledge command the respect of his peers and subordinates alike.   Jowan's leadership and devotion to Heironeous have helped maintain the stability and prominence of the Bastion over the years. While he may not frequently appear in public, his impact is felt throughout the organization, solidifying his reputation as a wise and influential figure within the realm of faith.  
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
509 CY 87 Years old
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 3"
250 lbs
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