Session 013: That Ole Train Keeps Rollin' Report

General Summary

Start Date: 14th of Readying, 14th hour  

The Interogation

  Quinn, wearing caster's cuffs and a silencing muzzle, is lead outside of Vespera by soldiers from House Arcturus. He is taken to the The Hold of Illumination south of Vespera and home to the Paladin order known as The Holy Order of the Radiant Sword. He is nterrogated by Sir Galen (GAY-LYNN) about the orphanage, his knowledge of The Nightshade Syndicate, and on Malachi.   Believing that Quinn isn't in leagues with the Syndicate he lets Quinn go free. Quinn begins questioning him on the Syndicate. To where he says they are most active around the cities surrounding lake Aurora. Quinn says that if he finds out anything on the Syndicate that he will report back to Galen. A guard named Sir Navv, takes Quinn to the teleporter. He asks how Quinn is doing in the apprenticeship. Quinn begins talking Otto us as the reincarnation of Pelor. Navv says that that would make a great story or song.   Quinn is placed on the knot work stone pattern where the accent of Sir Navv changes. He tells Quinn that he was always terrible at his studies. Where the sigil lights in prismatic light and he is teleports Quinn with a wink and he lands on his knees in Epoch.  

The Imp

  The Imp accuses the party of being thieves and attempts to turn invisible. But failing his concentration, he is entangled by Tama. Otto leaves the cramped quarters and closes the door behind him. Hoping to trap the imp within. The party decides that destruction is the best outcome destroys the Imp's material form.

Dire Warnings

After the commotion, a train attendant contacts Tama and says the he has a message on the Holograph. Tama is met iwith the holographic bust of Dayflower telling him that Ogg, the protector dire bear has gone mad. The locals of Mossley are hiring someone to slay him and if that happens the grove is lost to the gnolls of the Duskfang Tribe. Tama soon finds out that Mastiff and his party are the ones taking up the job of dealing with Ogg.


Quinn, waiting for the party at the station, sees Elizabeth scanning the crowd. He attempts to hide, but knocks over a trash receptacle and alerts her immediately. She is soon joined by Sebastian Lee and the two of them invite Quinn to the wedding next spring.

Off to the Grove

Both parties are reunited, and Otto pretending to hit on Elizabeth is able to find out that the rivals are heading to Mossley in the morning. So, they head out that evening. In the 3rd hour on the trail north, the party hears the demonic laughter of hyenas, as arrows fly through the air.   End Date: 15th of Readying, 3rd hour

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
24 Jul 2023
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