Session 036 Back Home Report

General Summary


Brother Ceric
Drogan the Barkeep
Ironclad Nelly
Rudi the Artificer
Kelda Grimstone, cousin to Alden Grimhammer.   Starting Date: 8th hour of 11th of Planting, 591 CY

Adamantine Dust

    Returning to Epoch through the portal, Otto sought answers in the Library of Epoch, meeting with the knowledgeable , scholar Lohre. There, Otto revealed that the missing ingredient for the salve was Adamantine Dust, an unusual substance known for its resilience. Lohre expressed surprise at the notion of adamantine turning into dust, noting its near-impossibility to cut. However, the dwarves of Kadrel Karaad were rumored to have achieved this feat, as detailed in Eondal's Musings, the source of the elusive dust.   Lohre delved into the history of Kadrel Karaad, explaining that the Grimstone clan had sealed the fortress 500 years ago during a devastating pestilence. The survivors sought refuge in Agem Orshen, leaving Kadrel Karaad abandoned and locked. This revelation posed a daunting challenge for the party – unlocking the secrets of the sealed fortress to obtain the adamantine dust. The journey ahead promised to uncover mysteries and confront the echoes of Kadrel Karaad's forgotten past, all in a race against time to save their ailing comrade with the elusive substance.  

The Houses

Intrigued by the complexities of the political landscape within the Span, Tama, with a determined glint in her eyes, embarked on an investigation into the noble houses that held sway over the region. Armed with parchment, quill, and an insatiable curiosity, she delved deep into the annals of history and current affairs, seeking to unravel the intricate web of power dynamics that defined the noble houses.  

Brother Ceric

Quinn, concerned about the perceived threat to the Bastion, sought counsel from Brother Ceric in the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Quinn firmly believed that the city of Thunderstone was irreversibly lost and needed to be razed due to its association with anti-Bastion propaganda. However, Brother Ceric, a man of faith and measured judgment, disagreed with Quinn's assessment. While he acknowledged the challenges Thunderstone faced, Ceric refused to accept that the entire city was lost. Instead, he proposed a more nuanced approach, emphasizing the removal of Serah Songbreeze, a key figure contributing to the discord.   Despite Ceric's reluctance to endorse the complete destruction of Thunderstone, he surprisingly entertained Quinn's concerns about Melodyweave College. Ceric suggested that if Quinn perceived the college as a hub for anti-Bastion sentiments and found no redeeming value in it, then its removal might be justifiable. This unexpected proposition added a layer of moral complexity to Quinn's dilemma, forcing him to grapple with the potential consequences of dismantling an educational institution.   The conversation between Quinn and Brother Ceric revealed a clash of perspectives within the Bastion, highlighting the tension between pragmatic solutions and the preservation of hope and redemption in the face of adversity. As Quinn weighed the fate of Thunderstone and Melodyweave College, the intricate moral considerations underscored the complexities of decision-making in a world where conflicting beliefs and potential sacrifices had profound implications for the future of the Bastion.   The party's journey continued as they arrived in Ironclad and sought information at the Soggy Smelter Tavern, where they conversed with Drogan, the establishment's owner. Quinn, attempting to gain insights into obtaining Adamantine dust from the dwarves for his ailing daughter, inquired about the fastest route to their destination. Drogan suggested the road but also mentioned the option of renting a Gearworked Pegasus from the runeforgers. To sweeten their dealings, Otto purchased two kegs of Ironclad Ale, intending them as peace offerings for the dwarves they were to encounter in Agem Orshen.   Taking to the skies on the Gearworked Pegasus, bronze griffon and Tama's wild shape, the party soared through the air for six hours until they reached the imposing gates of Agem Orshen. As they ascended the massive stone stairway to the gates, their path was halted by ten formidable dwarven warriors standing guard. Offering a keg of Ironclad Ale as a symbol of goodwill, Quinn negotiated with the dwarves. One of the guards, swayed by the gesture, agreed to guide them into the heart of the city to meet with Kelda Grimstone.   The kegs of Ironclad Ale served as not only a token of peace but also as a diplomatic bridge, allowing the party entry into Agem Orshen. As they followed their dwarven guide through the bustling streets of the dwarven city, the journey to secure Adamantine dust and uncover the mysteries within Kadrel Karaad seemed to be taking unexpected yet promising turns in the heart of the mountainous realm.   Ending Date: 21st hour of 11th of Planting, 591 CY

Rewards Granted

XP 500

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location
The Metropolis of Epoch
Secondary Location
Last Bastion Homepage

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