Session 011: Back to the Einmann Estate? Report

General Summary

  Start Day: 12th day of Readying, 13th hour   The party moves through Vespera to the Headquarters of House Aurora. There they met Albin Aurora who agreed that he can increase the strength of Otto's mace to a +1. It will cost 2125 gold to enchant. Otto can come back in the afternoon on the 14th and it will be ready.   Quinn was accosted by the same beggar that over heard him and Rosemary arguing over their gold funds. He saw the massive amount of gold that he had dropped off at the foundling home. Quinn denied the beggar, and wouldn't give him gold. But, Tama gave him 50 gold. The beggar was thrilled and told Tama about what happend to the poor marm. She was beaten to an inch of her life by thugs, the gold was stolen.   The party spent the next few hours searching for a bag of holding. Where the came to a purse-maker that had one for sale. Tama noticed that he was counting a fair amount of gold. The gold shared the same mint as the gold from the troll caves. When the party questioned the purse maker, he didn't reveal who gave him the gold. Quinn spun a tale of Cortez's gold, a cursed treasure that brings ill fortune to those who hold it. The vendor decided that he would give back the gold for a bank note equal to the 1500.   The party went back to the Einmann Estate and met with Tanna who invited them for dinner. When questioned about the imp, she sent niegel off with a servant. Tanna became very defensive and became hostile toward the party. Resentful of the fact that they keep stringing her along. She is believing they are trying to extort her for more gold. After very heartfelt conversation, she softened, and confided that when Johansen stabbed her, a small, scaled, and winged creature appeared. It produced a black scroll with intelligable laguage, but as she peared at it, the text moved and revealed that if she signed her soul to a hell, she would be given 7 years in this world with her son. She signed it.   Otto was upset, and turned his back to Tanna. But, she said that she was done things to make sure her son has a good life and she would give her soul to see him live. Once signed, the imp killed Johansen, and attacked Gnat (who was disguised as Otto), causing him to retreat.   The party offered to help her with this contract. But, the room grew dark and cold and her body began to spasm. Frost grew on the windows and she spoke in a dark and evil voice. The entity chastised the party and promised them they would never save this soul. Quinn tried to get the devils name, but it wouldn't reveal who it was.   Lore Note: Devils are Lawful and Evil. That is their alignment but also what their true being is made of. They can be nothing but.     As the night grew darker, the party set to retire in the Salty Side Inn. But, Otto said he would travel to House Aurora to help tend to the wounded. Tama wanted to look over the town and see if he could find any more of the gold from the caves.     Quinn ordered a Procan's Delight from Astrid Stormrider. It was a blue drink with rum and coconut and is the color of the sea. It was brought back from Sunhaven. Two rough fellows began to harass Quinn and he sang the Ballad of Cortez's Gold. They weren't as terrified as the pursemaker. Quinn spotted a tattoo on one of the men's forearm that indicated they were part of the Nightshade Syndicate. He recalled a book about the laketowns with an exerpt about them.   Syndicate's Call   Tame returned in time to see the men attack after Quinn called them out for being part of the Nightshade. With the use of magic, the men were made short work of.   At House Aurora, Otto was healing a young woman who had been beaten. He was approached by a man that had a business proposition...   End Day: 12th day of Readying, 21st hour

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
10 Jul 2023
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