Session 001 Report: Getting Started

General Summary

  After the party was orientated at the Bastion by Brother Mathias, they were given a task as part of the apprentices to the Seven Seal. Travel to Mystwall and investigate the lands around the Barrier. There has been reports of slate scaled snakes attacking locals and potentially dragging them down into the nearby forests. They party boarded the Arctrain from The Metropolis of Epoch and went to investigate. The locals pointed them to a spot near the some farm land on the outskirts where they suspected the snakes were coming from.   The hole was deep, and fearing that villagers could still be alive down there, Sir Adien Mioneth requested they inspect closer before burning the the hole. So, the party travelled down the claustrophobic snake hole. As they did, tiny vipers began poking their heads from holes in the earthen walls, striking at the partys. Their eyes were red and scales slate, and they were hyper aggressive, pushing the party down the hole.   Once down in the hole, the vipers breaking though the walls caused a collapse in the hole. Making travel back through that way impossible with the tools at your disposal. That's when the party was ambushed by snakes the size of small dogs, the same colorations as the vipers. This brought the attention of hooded figures, checking to see the commotion. Before long, the dungeon was alive with combat as cultists from all around joined in the fight. Undead zombies shambled in as well. They seem to be the very commoners that the snakes had been taking. Their bellies and chest broken open, their organs devoured.   The party, though it did look like they weren't going to make it, came out on top and travelled deeper into the dungeon. Tama had been bitten by the snake, and weakened by the venom. As they travelled south, they were met with more cultists who blocked their path. Then a riddle in front of a massive stone snake statue. The riddle had an owl, snake, mouse, and bear. By pushing the buttons on the posts depicting these animals, in order of the food chain, a door opened under the snake revealing a hewn stone path.   The party, deciding there was work to be done in the eastern halls, ignored the doors and headed east.

Rewards Granted

The party found gold and a valuable sable belt with the emblem of House Obsidian upon it.   Experience. The party has received 563 xp to this point.

Experience Granted:563 xp
The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Trapped! (4/9/23) by Tama
Report Date
21 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Last Bastion Homepage

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