Session 021: Two weeks off

General Summary

Start Date: 3rd of Coldeven, 591   The party had been in the city of Epoch for two weeks, waiting for their return trip to Mystwall, a period marked by intensive training and unexpected developments.   Quinn  had gone through a lot in recent months. He sought counseling from a cleric of Pelor named Linnea Brightshield, who was also serving as a liaison between the nobility of Epoch and the church. Quinn opened up about the traumatic experiences he'd endured since joining the order known as the The Sons of the 7th Seal and his tumultuous relationship with his Elven noble father, Ilvisar Xyrlynn. Linnea had come to see Quinn as a sweet man who had been through a lot and might have even developed feelings for him during their counseling sessions.   Otto had spent the past two weeks having a set of evil armor refitted to resemble that of a cleric of Pelor. Otto discussed the black writ with his mentor, Brother Vincent. When Vincent attempted to detect evil on the documents, he was overwhelmed by the sheer power emanating from them. Although he wished to advise Otto to destroy the documents, he respected Otto's autonomy as a cleric and understood that Pelor's will worked through him.   Rosemary, had been training and enhancing her defenses with magical items during their stay in Epoch. She acquired a grey cloak with leather shoulders and a large brooch, both magically enchanted to protect her against spells. She also purchased an Amulet of Health to improve her constitution.  


  As the two weeks came to an end, the party embarked on their mission to take the body of Brother Mathias, who had been killed two weeks earlier, back to his hometown of Mystwall. Upon arriving in Mystwall, they encountered Archie Coldmen, a catchpole they had befriended in the past. Strangely, Quinn pretended not to remember him, causing Archie to feel forgotten.   The party also learned about an illegal cockatrice fighting ring in Mystwall through Guard Jimson, who was secretly involved in the practice. Quinn gave Jimson a holy symbol of an evil god, pretending it was a friendship medallion, which Jimson unknowingly accepted.   The party discovered that Mathias had a house in Mystwall, and a Guard Docan was tasked with checkign in on it daily from Brother Mathias himself. Going to his post, they met Emille Hartson, who claimed to be a lawyer from Epoch sent to liquidate Mathias's belongings. Emille presented a convincing but forged legal document. Although Quinn noticed the forgery, he remained silent. The party convinced Docan to let them enter the house to take a personal item for Mathias's interment. He agreed to meet them all at dusk to do so.   The party then conducted research at the Hall of Records, revealing that the supposed Emille Hartson had died two years earlier, making their Emille an imposter.   When they reconvened at Mathias's house at dusk, Emmille arrived with two Epochian Guards. Docan initially objected to their actions, but Emille produced another forged document from the Hall of Records. The party did not confront her about the forgery. Instead, they began questioning her about her familial connections to the dead beaurocrat. Emille caught on, and the guards falsely claimed they would return in the morning with reinforcements. Quinn, however, deduced that they were affiliated with the The Nightshade Syndicate, prompting the guards to flee, their illusory armor not making a sound. Quinn cast Suggestion on Emmille and caused her to freeze. One of the guards behind her remarked "Secrets to the Death" and stabbed her in the back of the neck with his sword. Otto, seeing the death blow, cast close wounds, and saved Emmiles life. But, the guards fled into the night.   Docan had brought additional guards to ensure the situation was resolved safely. As they opened the door to Mathias's house, a magical rune was disengaged, revealing a ransacked interior with overturned furniture. A pitcher of never-ending water remained untouched, and paw prints were scorched into the floor. The party discovered a hidden floor with a sigil of warding against Lawful Evil Outsiders. At the center was an adamantine box with the symbol of Pelor. As Otto examined it, he noticed torchlight outside the window. Suddenly, a guard in the doorway was engulfed in flames. A hellhound burst through the window, ready to breathe hellfire upon the party within.   Start Date: 8th of Coldeven, 591

Rewards Granted

Experience Rewarded. 1000xp
Treasure Rewarded: None

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
15 Oct 2023
Primary Location
The Metropolis of Epoch
Secondary Location
Last Bastion Homepage

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