Session 282 - Eye Eaters and Angry Bees Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 282 - Eye Eaters and Angry Bees

General Summary

11th to 24th of Peonu (Second Month of Spring) 726TR

The Story So Far

The heroes have investigated the underground ruins under a broken tower in the Tuzmyr Embankment. They discovered that one of Lothrim the Foulspawner agents, Norlack Bloodweaver, was conducting alchemical experiments on Orcs 600 years ago. Among the treasures, they have found Norlak's Dark Codex, the workbook of the evil alchemist.

They are not the only people interested in the treasures of this mysterious dungeon.

This is the continuation of Session 280 - Secrets of a Lost Laboratory.

Location - The Tuzmyr Embankment in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Vistors

The heroes have just rested up for the night, and as they prepare to leave the dungeon, they hear a sound near the entrance. Three men with torches are investigating the ruin, and evident from the colors of their livery, they are men of arms from the neighboring Nynte Manor, which the immoral Lord Falun holds.

Valeria weaves her magic from the shadows and, with the help of Ghost Sounds and Mage Hand, puts on a fairly convincing deception that the passages are haunted. As the men are deciding whether or not to leave, one strays too close to Dryueh, who is hiding amongst the rubble, and he decides to ambush him, nearly getting a clean kill. A ferocious battle ensues, in which the heroes easily down two foes, but one flees, dodging arrows, and he is too far away for the heroes to catch easily. That is until Valeria uses the mind-effecting spell, Lose The Path, momentarily disorientating him, and he runs in the opposite direction he intended, back toward the heroes. The confused woodsman is quickly killed.

What to do with the bodies? The heroes decide to cover their tracks. They move the dead into the large chamber containing spear traps and stage a death scene, impaling the murdered men on the traps and moving the corpses of the zombie orcs close to the dead. The heroes think they have successfully covered up their involvement, then they depart.

Location - Town of Kiban in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 2 - The High Priest's Advice

Serolan Ceowald Arnkel.png
Ceowald Arnkel, art by Artbreeder
The party returns to the Town of Kiban, and Rycon confers with Serolan Ceowald Arnkel, the High Priest of Church Of St Amarab telling him of all of the party's recent discoveries.

The priest is concerned. Why is the odious Lord Falun interested in an ancient laboratory for orc experimentation, and does this have anything to do with the seemingly inconsistent actions of the Earl of Kiban over the last few years?

At a loss of what to do next, he suggests Rycon travel to the City of Tashal, investigate this mysterious Norlak, his link with Lothrim the Foulspawner, and the mysterious, a symbol found as a tattoo on a corpse of a would-be explorer of Norlak's laboratory (refer to Session 278 - Norlak's Tower).

Location - On the road in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 - Angry Hives

Vlasta, art by Attacus
As the group walks through rural villages on the way to Tashal, they witness a panicked peasant diving from a small bridge into a nearby stream. He is being chased by half a dozen small strange reptilian creatures, the infamous Vlasta or the eye-eaters. The little monsters aren't keen to go for a swim but note the characters and race towards them, leaping at their faces hoping to snatch an eye. The fragile creatures are easily dealt with, only causing a few shallow grazes to the face.

Myles of Gaines thanks his saviors and frantically asks for more help. He is a beekeeper, and his brother Enold ran in another direction back to their hives, chased by three more of these little horrors.

He leads the characters to Enold, wearing what best be described as a canvas sack and hiding up a tree while three Vlastas eat greedily, poking their heads into the hives and snacking on bees and honey. The Ivashu have agitated the hives, and the bees are swarming.

The characters attempt to sneak up on the Vlasta but are spotted. They leap at Valeria, and one cuts her face just above her eye, the bleeding temporarily blinding her. Then the Bee swarms attack indiscriminately, stinging the heroes. Dryueh is sure that if the characters retreat, the insects will leave them alone, so Rycon charges in and destroys the Vlasta. He picks up Valeria and runs. The Bees do not follow, and soon the hives become more subdued, and the grateful beekeepers reward the heroes with some of their fine product. This includes some Royal Jelly telling them that the apothecary in Tashal Lorin of Lorinson will happily trade that for some of his elixirs.

Location - The City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 - Research

by Attacus
After arriving at the City of Tashal, the characters plan to research Norlak, Lothrim, and the mysterious symbol. They have three obvious options.

Rumored secret vaults located in the Temple of Larani may hold a library from Lothrim's time period. However, Rycon is sure, given his poor history with the church, that he will not be able to get admission.

The Royal Archives at the Temple of Save K'nor would likewise be hard to access, although the characters might be able to search through the extensive library of the Labors of Revence, as these often contain historical narratives. At the temple, the Loremasters of Save K'Nor request that the heroes demonstrate their intelligence or expertise in a field of Lore before being given access to the library. Valeria and Dryueh both fail to impress; however, Rycon decides to demonstrate courtly etiquette and explain the variations between the modern Eastern Harnic kingdoms and performs outstandingly. He is granted admission and can review the temple's Labors of Reverence only under mild supervision.

With no other option, Valeria joins the local Guildhall of Arcane Lore and examines their somewhat underwhelming library. Dryueh, with nothing else to do, volunteers his healing expertise at the Church of Peoni's hospital.

Rycon soon finds a few vague historical references to the Foulspawner and notes that the mysterious symbol they found resembles an old-fashioned way of writing the letter L. Is L for Lothrim?

Part 5 - The Queen-Mistress

After a week of research, an attractive young woman approaches Rycon as he leaves the Iron Bell Inn. She introduces herself as Elysant, a priestess of Halea, and he is invited to meet with the High Priestess of the Temple of Halea.

Priestess Silena.png
High Priestess Silena. by Artbreeder
Queen Mistress Silena Ekiar warmly greets the group and, after pleasantries, offers the heroes employment. She has a delicate task, and she feels Rycon would be the best man for the job, given his background. She needs to recover a Cursed Locket.

Five years ago, the merchant Guimar of Kendale died, and he was mummified and, at his request, was interned with a golden locket containing a lock of his beloved late wife's hair. Years before, the merchant paid a former priestess of the temple to put a curse on the locket as an act of revenge if it was ever removed from his body. She explains that the church of Halea does not condone the use of curses, and the offending Priestess was expelled from the temple for other scandalous deeds (refer to Session 070 - Temple Hijinks).

The merchant's mausoleum was robbed, and the locket, among other items stolen. The thief was caught and interrogated (refer to Session 270 - Rewards and Grave Robbers). He had sold the locket to a knight Sir Brant Croll, who intended to give it to his mistress. Sir Croll has been offered a generous replacement locket; unfortunately, as a zealous worshiper of Larani, he has refused to deal with the church of Halea. The curse called Sadura's Rash may already be afflicting him, and the Haleans have offered to remove it and heal any ailment.

Queen Mistress Silena asks the adventures to get the locket back by whatever means they feel necessary. However, this may be more complicated, given Rycon knows Sir Croll by reputation. He volunteered to serve in the Solora Crusade and performed with enthusiasm and distinction. Rycon joined the crusade the following year before he resigned in disgust.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Serolan Ceowald Arnkel - High Priest of the Church Of St Amarab.

Myles and Enold of Gaines - Beekeepers.

Queen Mistress Silena Ekiar - High Priestess of the Church of the Bygone Dream.


3 x Warriors.

10 x Vlasta - the Eater of Eyes.

3 x Bee Swarms.


Royal Jelly.

Various potions.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Book - Norlaks's Dark Codex.

Vlasta - the Eater of Eyes.

City of Tashal.

Lothrim the Foulspawner.

Temple of Larani - Church Of St Amarab.

Guildhall of Arcane Lore - Chambers of the Lost Meyvinel.

Temple of Save K'nor - The Vault of Kelapyn-Anuz.

Temple of Halea - Church of the Bygone Dream.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L2 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L2 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L2 Thief Rogue - Medic.

Next Session

Session 284 - A Cursed Locket

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal
Secondary Location
Town of Kiban

Clan Falun

Holder of Nynte Manor from the Earl of Kiban.

Clan Falun, art by Attacus

Norlak’s Dark Codex

Norlak’s Dark Codex.png
by Playground AI
This ancient leather-bound tome contains a comprehensive log book of various alchemical experiments carried out on the seven sub-species of Gargun (the Hârnic Orc) in existence at the time of authoring. It also has multiple spells and rituals developed by Norlak Bloodweaver.
These experiments involve making orcs more aggressive or passive, removing light blindness, and increasing their strength and reproductive rates. It included a comprehensive study on various toxins and stimulants specific to Orcs.
Alchemical Recipes
Gargun Battle Elixir - The most recent experiment made from Lothrim's Bane, a magically modified variant of Bane Berry, gives the Orcs Battle Rage with the side effect of shortened life span and a considerably increased risk of dying of sudden heart attack.
Gargun Speed Elixir – Increases an orc's movement rate.
Gargun Numbing Tonic - Allows the orc to resist damage but ruins their nerves.
Elixir of Life – A paste applied to wounds that heals only orcs.
Strength of Uragg – Increases orc's physical attribute for an hour.
Lothrim's Gift – An additive that makes orcs suspectable to charm magic. It can be added to other Elixirs.
Arcane Wizard Spells
L1 - Ant Haul, Command Orc, Goblin Pox, Noxious Vapors
L2Acid Arrow, Horrifying Blood Loss, Touch of Idiocy
L3Blindness, Haste
L1 Create Lothrim's Bane

Order of the Silken Voice

by Columbia Games

Clan Croll

Holders of Rylsla manor from the Baron of Tonot.

Clan Croll, art by Attacus

Sadura's Rash

This curse inflicts a painful rash on the victim’s private parts, first appearing in 3 days. The rash spreads over the body and changes to open sores; unless the Patient is cured, they will likely die in agony.

The Labors of Reverence

These are intellectual works prepared by Priests of Save-K'nor. Each priest must prepare 36 Labors before being elevated to the rank of Loremaster.

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