Temple of Larani - Basilica of King Aidrik IV Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Temple of Larani - Basilica of King Aidrik IV

The Basilica of Aidrik IV is the largest, most impressive temple of Larani on Hârn. It is the traditional site of the Kaldor's coronations, royal marriages, and funerals. Royal patronage has made the Church wealthy, and it boasts many priests and an impressive choir. Its masses are spectacular affairs.


Hall of the Lady

This hall has a spectacular 24ft tall alabaster statue of Larani. She is flanked by smaller statues of Valamin and Mendiz. Many pilgrims travel to view this from over Hârn and the continent.

The hall also has ten human-sized statues of Knights of Tirith support a huge checkered shield on their shoulders. This is used as a pulpit by priests to deliver sermons.

Royal Balcony

The balcony on the second floor is reserved for the king and his entourage. It stands opposite the Choir loft.

Library and Scriptorium

The Cathedral has a Scriptorium and a large library of holy text. Books are shared with the Church of Save K'Nor. There are rumors of secret vaults containing Heretical books.

Crypt, Mortuary, and Ossuary

The bones of hundreds of priests are located in the Ossuary.

Wine Celler

The Cathedral has one of the largest and best wine cellars in the Kingdom.


The Basilica has a large number of holy artifacts. These include the Royal Crown of House Atane, the shield of Saint Branik, the Compassionate, and a garnet-encrusted reliquary containing the toe of Saint Semeline. This was a gift from Hârn's first Primate and is popular with pilgrims.


The basilica always had noble adherents and warriors praying and holding Vigils.

Vigil of the Visionary Builder

High Priest Tomis Bakith dedicated his life to the construction of Harn's most Magnificent Temple to Larani after receiving a vision directly from the Goddess.


Succeeding on a DC 12 Religion check will inspire the adherent to achieve great long-term goals. He will gain advantage on a skill check for a downtime activity, provided it takes more than three months and is for a holy cause.

Vigil of Saint Semeline

Praying at the garnet-encrusted reliquary containing the toe of Saint Semeline, the Master of the Scarlet Lance.


Succeeding on a DC 10 Religion check will enhance a Knight's aptitude with the lance.

When fighting on horseback with a Knight, he gains a +1 to hit for the duration of one combat or a +2 to hit during one friendly joust. This blessing can be used 3 times.

Vigil of the King's Wisdom

King Aidrik IV ruled for many years and was a generous supporter of the Church. He is considered one of Kaldor's finest and most respected Kings.


Succeeding on a DC 13 Religion check will inspire an adherent better to understand the motivations of the poor or powerful alike. He gains advantage on an Insight check. This blessing can be used 2 times.


135TR - Missionaries from Melderyn construct the Cities original temple.

424TR - High Priest Tomis Bakit had a vision of the Goddess Larani, showing him a great temple she desired to be built. He accepted the divine call and gained sponsorship from the nobility and the newly crowned King Aidrik IV.

427TR - Tomis Bakit begins the construction of a Grand Cathedral using Terzri Masons.

469TR - The Cathedral is completed. The aged Tomis Bakit dies one hour after it was dedicated.

631TR - The first Primate of Hârn made a special pilgrimage to the temple. His gift, a garnet-encrusted reliquary containing the toe of Saint Semeline.

Founding Date
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location

Temple Members

High Priest

Serolan Deni Trochi

Highpriest Deni, art by Artbreeder

Deni Troch wields considerable political power.


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Dec 15, 2020 23:30 by MrGunn

Really liked the blessings, cool idea!

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]