Session19: Temple Hobgoblins or Worse? Report

General Summary

Much discussion took place over the last two days of adventure. The party returned to the Inn of the Welcome Wench, it's excellent food (see, for example Excerpts from the Journal of Geynor Ton), and soft beds. Emmanuel Woodsmoke, however, wanted to speak with Elmo Guildas and Burne immediately as he had concerns about village governance, who knows what, and just why an evil cult has flourished within Secomber and nearby environs.   Both Elmo and Burne were taken aback by these accusations of neglect (or worse!) and tried to convince Emmanuel that they have watched the Moathouse and Temple but saw nothing beyond brigands and bugbears, the latter of which have been consistently fought back by Elmo and the militia over the last year. Elmo and Burne were, however, now truly worried given the report of evil priests, relics of the dark god, and a Temple of All Consumption in the Graypeak Mountains near Llorkh. Burne recognized the phrase Doomdreamers mentioned in the Excerpts from the Journal of Geynor Ton as high clerics of the dark god, also known as Tharizdun. The dark god's evil is absolute annihilation and nihilism, the negation of all. His waxing influence in the world would spell doom for all.   The following day, members of the party visited Spugnoir the potion seller and Cannoness Y'Dey to acquire spell scrolls. Garadin as well sought the Cannoness's wise counsel and relayed her trust in both Elmo and Burne and Rufus. The three had fought together during the earlier Destruction of the Temple of Elemental Evil in which Elmo had lost his brother. Meanwhile, Beaufort De Montague , Midnight Snow  and Orlac the half-elf priest visited the Jaroo in the Druid grove. Jaroo did not seem well and excused himself from prolonged conversation. Orlac's clairvoyent eye studied Jaroo in the druid's hut, sitting motionless and staring into the distance.   By the end of the day the party had decided to venture to the ruined Temple on the High Moor to investigate what may lurk there and determine any links to the moathouse. Apparently, unhappy with their conversations in Secomber Emmanuel and Garadin left early and the party caught them up the nex day.   A chill Nightall drizzle fell upon the party as they ventured from Secomber, quickly passing through Moorsedge with the feeling of undead eyes upon them. At the Temple they found a desolate, ruined place, with sickly growing vines, bones emerging from the ground and bugbears guarding the gate! A battle at the gate ensued, Orlac's fireball obliterating bugbear reinforcements, and Emmanuel rushing the temple once the guards had been cleared. He and the rest met with more bugbears on the Temple steps and beat them back into retreat. But have they escaped to reinforce their positions?

Rewards Granted

11 Hobgoblins killed = 1100 XP
Adventure advancement = 3700 XP

800 XP per PC

Adventure Map

The Upper Delimbiyr Vale
A map of the region from Secomber to Parnast, a way travelled by many from Daggerford to Cormyr.

Discussing Secomber's problems with Elmo and Burne

Bugbears in the Temple!

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
18 Jan 2021
Secondary Location

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