Session 27: Back in Llorkh Report

General Summary

After returning from a rekkie in the crater dungeons surrounding Stalagos, Emmanuel Woodsmoke, Midnight Snow, Orlac, and Garadin needed to formulate a plan. Garadin, feeling he had failed in his duties to Torm over the last tenday, retired to his quarters at The Harpy to engage in fervent prayer and guidance-seeking. The three remaining (Khusrov still whereabouts unknown, although suspected to be at the Silk Scabbard) decided to travel to Parnast on the morrow to meet Emmanuel. Before the sweet relief of sleep for the night, however, Orlac was able to use clairvoyance to listen on the conversation of Tal Chammish, a moustachioed, beady eyed human, named in correspondence of the cultists found in Secomber. Tal didn't have much of interest to say, mainly discussing the Zhents, recent events in Llorkh, and how he might make a few gold...
  Parnast is a small village at the top of the Dawn Pass, a sleepy place normally, full of timber merchants and other woods folk. But now there was a noticeable presence of Zhentarim mercenaries. Perhaps they are there to curb a potential drovers and carvan uprising (see Nightal 1367, Current Clack), perhaps they are there for other reasons.   Regardless, Emmanuel was at the Golden Tankard (Ragnar Redtooth, proprietor) in Parnast and had successfully returned the mailed fist of Torm to the temple in Loudwater (see Session 23: the journey to Llorkh Report). The reunited party now made haste back to the mountains north of Llorkh.   They met, however, with pain. Sneaking into the crater dungeon was easy enough, through the crack into the fire worm cave. They travelled through a few remembered rooms, ore carts, rock-crushers, and such. Newly posted gnoll guards were on alert after the party's incursion a few days ago, but Emmanuel could not wait and charged past the gnolls into the main entrance hall. The main hall was guarded by a few gnolls (more than last time) and they were able to alert others. Over the next several minutes, multiple gnoll and human guards, an ogre, a troglodyte priest and his zombies, a howler, and a half-elf commander rushed to join the intruders in battle. Orlac's well-placed fireballs took care of many of the guards and damaged the ogre and howler too. Midnight Snow's blink-dog attacks sniped some gnolls on the edges. Unfortunately, new mascot Noodle met his demise beneath an ogre's club. In the end their were many dead monsters, one subdued commander, and noises down the tunnels in the distance...

Rewards Granted

8 x Guards = 200 XP
10 x Gnolls = 1000 XP
1 x Ogre = 450 XP
11 x Zombie = 550 XP
1 x Knight (half-elf clad in green) = 700 XP
1 x Howler = 3000 XP
1 x Troglodyte Priest = 450 XP
  Monster XP = 6350
Adventure advancement = 450 XP   1,700 XP each for Emmanuel, Beaufort, Orlac, and Midnight Snow

A holwer and Noodles (we hardly knew ye)

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
21 Apr 2021

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