Session 46: Paying Visits Report

General Summary

The party regroups and goes over the information they have so far before heading out to speak to the Cassalanters. Particularly, who this Fenerus Stormcastle is that was mentioned on the note you found last session and why the Zhentarim want to kidnap him. After looking at the library, there's some discussion between Runt Thundermount and Cameron Overholt about how and when to stock it. Cameron looks through Volo's Guide to Waterdeep Volo gifted you all with ages ago. He manages to find a reference to Stormcastle in a list of members of the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters.

Cameron attempts to persuade Jenks to stock the library with books from Runt's Bag of Holding. Jenks initally attempts to extort money for the chore, but when you all convince him they're dangerous books of magic he takes off with them.

Before heading to speak with Lady Ammalia Cassalanter and Lord Victoro Cassalanter you stop by Vincent Trench's home/office and ask hire him to watch Fenerus Stormcastle on Quill Alley until tomorrow morning. He charges 10 gp. You head to the Casslanters where the butler Willfort escorts you to meet Lord and Lady Cassalanter. You tell them that you've secured the Stone of Golorr but still need more pieces and the location of the vault where Neverember hid the embezzled money. They remind you time if of the essence to save their children. There are only 7 more days until their birthday. Lord Cassalanter tells you he's been doing some research of his own and has learned some information about the Stone of Golorr. He has found that it's somehow related to aboleths, massive fish-like abberations that are said to have psionic powers. It seems the stone possessed the ability to erase a piece of knowledge from existence. Lord Cassalanter thinks it contains the location of the vault. He also tells you he thinks the Xanathar's Guild has one of the pieces of the stone. They give the party 5 paper birds to keep in touch as they continue on their quest. You also tell them about their former servant, Icantha, who died in Blue Alley and was a member of the cult of Asmodeus. They say they will question the rest of the servants.

There's some discussion as to what to do next. Andryn Stormpeak thinks they can leave Gralhunds until tomorrow. Cameron disagrees and wants to speak to them before going to the fight. The party splits up. Cameron and Runt go to speak with Barnibus Blastwind and Saeth Cromley while Andryn and Caelynn Amastacia go to speak with Mellannor Fellbranch, Andryn's contact with the Emerald Enclave.

Cameron and Runt head to the central office of the City Watch. They are escorted to Barnibus Blastwind and Saeth Cromley. They're surprised to see Jalester Silvermane also there. Blastwind informs them that the Open Lord of Waterdeep has taken an interest in the investigation and has sent Jalester as her agent. He is clearly not happy about it and Jalester is pretty smug about it. Cameron and Blastwind dance around each other as they try to feel out what the other knows. Blastwind says if they had the nimblewright head it would go a long way to helping charges stick to the Gralhunds. Cameron is not convinced. Jalester says they need to put their cards on the table: everyone's looking for the Stone. The Open Lord has heard about it and sent him since the money rightfully belongs to Waterdeep (to be clear: Blastwind and Cromley don't care about the money or the stone, they want to solve the fireball case). Cameron says if they find any evidence they'll certainly report back. Blastwind doesn't want to believe him but ultimately does (with a good deception roll).

Andryn and Caelyn head to Phaulkonmere Villa, where Melannor works. She asks for help with a beholder. He invites her into the garden. He repeats what she's asked and a disembodied voice introduces herself as Jeryth Phalkonmere. Melannor tells Andryn she is the lady of the estate. Jeryth says the Emerald Enclave is aware of an abberation below the city. She says they can not directly help but she can have the place watched. She also blesses Andryn with Freedom of Movement until her next Long Rest.

You all meet up at the Gralhunds. Lord Orond Gralhund blusters about for a bit and is passive aggressive about the diamonds they sent you. Lady Yalah Gralhund arrives and tries to smooth things over. She asks if any of you saw a stone in the chaos. She says it was a family heirloom. You ask for a description but she declines. You question her about the nimblewright, but she maintains that it was with the Zhentarim that broke into their home. The conversation grows politely tense as both parties know the other has more information than they are sharing. Finally, promising to visit their tavern, the Gralhunds thank the party for stopping by. Cameron tries to see if Hrabbaz likes working for them. He seems ride or die for the Gralhunds.

Runt preps fancy disguises for the party to go to the fight tournament. You all head back to where Cameron saw Ott Steeltoes descend and follow the spiral staircase downward. The walls are covered in engraved eyes. As you go through a doorway, you find a large hallway that also is covered in eyes, but some of these are animated and blink as you walk down the hall. Andryn spots an eyestalk hanging from the ceiling. Cameron susses out that it's a scrying implement.

Further in the party discovers a promenade and see a fair number of people waiting for the fight. Goblins dart back and forth serving bad beer and food. The crowd is mostly lower class so the party stands out a bit. You all clock a guy wearing a hood and has his face covered standing with a rough-looking companion. They seem to be watching you all.

There are guards posted at a few hallways, but you find a small crowd in an audience chamber. There, kobolds are taking bets on the upcoming fight. Someone has illusioned images of the participants. Many seem frightened and don't look to have volunteered for this fight. As you watch it scroll through the participants, the last one is a familiar, if slightly beat-up face: Yagra Stonefist. Before you can react, a hand falls onto Runt's shoulder and the rough-looking man says they should talk.

Rewards Granted

Andryn: Freedom of Movement until the next long rest.   Five Paper Birds to keep in contact with the Cassalanters

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Learned the Stone of Golorr erases information from existence and probably holds the location of the vault.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gralhunds: the neighborhood is getting frosty
  • Blastwind: knows you meddling kids are up to something but can't prove it.
  • Jalester: just thinks y'all are great.

Created Content

Ravel House of Graces: governesses for nobility


There are three teams in the fight: The Bone Gnashers (half-ogre, minotaur, orog, deep gnome), Ahghairon's Few (3 humans and an ogre), Arena Fodder (ettin, drow, goblin, and Yagra).

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