Session 41: Lost Bodies Report

Rewards Granted

  • 820 gp from Mirt for finding and returning Primara, the unicorn statue.

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

  • The party is slowly learning Nat's version of sign language to communicate better with her and the other kids.
  • Wella Kettlewhistle said she'd send her workers to Trollskull Manor and Tavern after they were done with their current job so the party could ask them about the mysterious person that was in the tavern. They thought he worked for the tavern, Lillian, the tavern manager, assumed he worked for Wella.
  • The party has promised Lillian a raise.
  • The party discovered that the unicorn statue was a cursed unicorn, Primara. They questioned Mirt about it, who had been trying to help her before he mysteriously vanished for many years. They all went to the Spires of Morning, a temple to Lathandar and Mirt spend 5,000 gp for a Greater Restoration spell to turn Primara into a real unicorn again. They had a touching reunion.
  • Renaer Neverember helped you gain access to the body of Dalahkar, who worked for his father and died during the fireball explosion in Trollskull Alley. They found out some information regarding the stone.

Created Content

  • The party has a bank account in the Sword Coast Traders Bank that currently has 500 gp in it. Funds can be accessed from Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Daggerford as far as the party is aware.

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