Wind in the sails

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Avaleen
3rd Cye 138 CE 18th Cye 138 CE | Full


  • Varu
  • Oliria
Supporting Cast
  • Voice of Ayursha, Elder of Agartha Elmira
    Elmira is a mysterious, powerful woman who have hired Tam and his crew to take her across the Morimyr Ocean to the shores of Oliria.
  • Okurac Skiffben
    This half-orc bard learned the way of the monks during the Apex Wars. He deserted and ran away to Varu where he enlists on ships as a navigator.
  • Captain Tam Winmore
    Easy-going pirate captain and smuggler by trade. Tam is not what you would expect, yet more efficient than you could ever suspect. He loves danger and risks and somehow always lands on his feet.


You start here, on Inner Varu. The largest island in the Varuvian nation. Where the buildings are mostly metal, birds are holy and the trade is lucrative. As is the piracy. Captain Tam Winmore has been hired by a lady named El to take her over to Agartha Nova in the west of Oliria and he is looking for crew. Are you brave enough to join him on his adventure?

This story is told by