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The calendar on Avaleen is divided into 13 months with 35 days each and is based on the waning and waxing of Luna as seen from Zion in the southern hemisphere. This makes Wadar, Galvan, Aere, and Cye the summer months in the south and the winter months in the north.

Some holidays across Avaleen are celebrated as they occur locally. These include:
  • Highsummer which marks the longest day of the year. The Solstice lasts 5 days and it's generally celebrated with faires, markets, various worships, and parties. Local variations may occur.
  • Midwinter which makes the longest night of the year. The Solstice lasts 7 days. Local variations may occur due to geographical location, but this is usually considered a cozy holiday one celebrates with family and friends.
  • Amartis's Approach celebrates the arrival of the third moon in the sky. These festivities last a week every eight months.
  • Harvest's End signifies that year's end of harvest. The occasion is marked by big celebrations, markets and various artisan's faires.


    Articles under Holidays

    • 50000 BCE

      15050 BCE

      Age of the Titans
      Era beginning/end

      After a million years of silence, Titans began to rise from the elements. They harnessed the arcane essence of the lands to grow their massive forests and bring life into the world. Spirits, nyads, and fey all co-existed with the elemental giants of the first age of Avaleen.

    • 25900 BCE

      Arrival of the Pantheon
      Celestial / Cosmic

      It is an uncertain date, but it is known that the gods were not native to the world but arrived from somewhere else. Possibly outer space, possibly another plane of existence.

    • 16050 BCE

      15050 BCE

      The Primordial War
      Military: War

      After many years of peace, war broke out between the Titans and the Celestials. For a thousand years this war raged on, destroying the world - splitting the earth into the continents we know today. When peace once more came, the giant forests of old were no more, and neither was those who had tended them. Mesas still exist as remnants.

    • 15050 BCE

      5000 BCE

      Age of the Celestials
      Era beginning/end

      With the Titans gone and the Fallen exiled to their demiplanes of shadows - the pantheon rules the races of Avaleen. Bringing enlightenment, education, faith, and guidance.

    • 10000 BCE

      New celestial arrivals
      Life, Relocation

      As peace slowly settles and Avaleen prospers, two celestial strangers arrive. Ayursha and Farachimo - the Godess of the Ethereal and the All-Eye.

    • 1553 BCE

      Founding of Old Agartha

      The construction of Agartha - what is now called old Agartha. A magnificent floating city that represented every achievement the akati and the illevans made while they were still whole. This is also when the gods truly started to take an interest in these people, which eventually led to disagreements, rifts, strife and war.

    • 1090 BCE

      17 Aileward

      Misha Eldter
      Life, Birth

      Misha Eldter, future regent is born in Agartha.

    • 1000 BCE

      29 Esenar 02:00

      The Sundering
      Disaster / Destruction

      The Sundering that broke the planes themselves. This resulted in the crash of Agartha into the deep divide, and the destruction of Japhaia as it tethered on the precipice and fell silent, with Ghor Minthra caught between them.

    • 50 BCE


      Signing of the Accords
      Diplomatic action

      In the aftermath of the Sundering, diplomats from both Akati and Illeva sit down to try to broker peace. It is a long-drawn-out process during which there are still skirmishes into each other's territories. After fifty years, on the 31st of Wadar, the Accords were signed at last. It was such a monumental occasion for the world as a whole that it was declared the following New Year to be year 0 of a new age. The Age of Arcanum was no more.

    • 14 BCE

      4 Calos

      Alexandre Kollisi
      Life, Birth

      Alexandre Kollisi is born in Japhaia.

    • 9 BCE

      8 Aere

      James O'Hagan
      Life, Birth

      James O'Hagan is born in Japhaia, the youngest heir to the throne of Illeva. Luna flares.

    • 1 CE

      15 CE

      Elevation of Agartha Nova

      Farhaven, a rather humble town in the west of Oliria have seen a steady influx of refugees during the war - making it essentially a colony. With several akati establishments nearby and the arrival of Ayursha, the inhabitants quickly saw the advantage of rebranding. The duke of Farhaven met with the Council of Agartha and it was decided that the town be renamed Agartha Nova and thus construction began. In 14 years there was a boom in profit, culture and trade.

    • 1 CE

      5 Má'landra

      Alana Kalar
      Life, Birth

      Alana Kalar is born to Akilo and Silas. At the same time Luna, the blue moon, flares - which is considered a good omen.

    • 138 CE

      20 Cye

      Invasion of Agartha Nova
      Military action

      At the conclusion of the third trial of the Guardian's Awakening the new Guardians are chosen by Ayursha. In that instance of celebration, Alexandre makes his move and he and his forces invade the city through the Portal.


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