4/24 - Back To Qadis Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

4/24 - Back To Qadis

General Summary

Party finished up their business in Tradefront.
Long rested.
Crafted some items.
Issued a bounty request in Qadis on the necromancer Elric, last spotted in the area.
    Party traveled North in order to reach the Cursed Expanse and eventually the desert city of Qadis.
After a few days of travel, the party encountered another group of adventurers.
The adventurers were examining the corpse of a brontosaurus, a massive creature from much farther to the East. One which rarely travels this far West on its own.
The adventurers, very green and young, identified themselves as Hollis, Torgar, Eva, and Kethril. They're a newly formed group and are doing simple jobs locally to cut their teeth.
  The young adventurers claim they saw the corpse dropped from the sky the previous night and came to investigate.
The beast corpse has significant damage from claws, fangs, and acid. The head and neck are missing, and much of the meat has been either removed or melted off.
The party comes to the conclusion that this is the work of Undrieg , which would be one of the farthest West incidents associated with the black dragon.
The party informs their contacts Tradefront about the occurrence and continues on to Qadis.
  After traveling for the better part of a week, the party encounters a sudden desert rainstorm which brings with it flash floods.
The contains a number of raging elementals, which either caused the sudden storm or were brought on by it.
The party engages in combat with 3 Dust Devils and 3 Water Elementals.
Combat, combat, combat.
The party fell the elementals, the storm slowly fades, and the party dry off in the warm desert sun.
  The party arrives in Qadis.
The necromancer Elric has been captured and turned in for the bounty.

Rewards Granted

  • 2160 EXP/PC

Created Content

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
24 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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