5/8 - From Frogwilds to Feywilds Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

5/8 - From Frogwilds to Feywilds

General Summary

Party continued East towards the kingdom of Ebonait.
  Party encountered two groups of Giant Apes loudly arguing over the corpse of a massive wild boar.
Party observed the two factions going at it, shoving, hooting, and hollering.
Party decided to skirt the situation and leave the beasts to their own devices.
Party successfully snuck away from the conflict without either group noticing.
  Party discovered a massive tree within the jungle.
The tree stood roughly 3x the height of the rest of the jungle canopy, its trunk nearly 50ft wide.
Around the tree were signs of some ancient, lost civilization. Decomposed carts and wagons, demolished brick structures taken back by nature, etc.
As the party was investigating the area, they noticed an increase in volume and depth of the frog chorus.
It was an ambush!
  The party was ambushed by Yara-Ma-Yha-Who.
The small, reddish, frog-like humanoids had suckered tongues and attempted to swallow party members.
Nine Yara in total descended from the treetops to engage the party.
Darnath, Duo, and Gramlek were all eventually suckered and partially swallowed!
The party managed to fell their attackers.
That night, both Gramlek and Duo felt ill. Gramlek recovered quickly thanks to his constitution. Darnath slept restlessly and awoke several inches shorter, his fur having a distinctly more reddish hue, and his skin mildly wrinkly.
Thovak removed the ongoing Yara-Ma-Yha-Who curse from Darnath, but could not reverse the effects.
  The party continued on through the jungle.
Party encountered myriad beasts and creatures of the jungle.
Party was otherwise unmolested on their long trek to Ebonait.
  Two weeks from Ebonait, the party was visited by the Autumn Eladrin, Wispa.
Wispa informed the party of Lady Timber's 'invitation' one day hence, as agreed upon previously.
The party established the second link of the Qadis-Ebonait portal deep in the jungle, in order to avoid bringing the powerful item into the Feywild.
The party returned to Qadis in order to rest up before their encounter with the fey Lady.
  Wispa escorted the party to the Feywild.
The party arrived in an abundant grove teeming with vibrant life.
Myriad fey creatures moved around within the grove, from miniscule Shroompeople to massive Treants and everything in between.
The party was escorted into a small, ruin overtaken by foliage.
Lady Timber appeared before the party after a few minutes.
  The party negotiated with Lady Timber.
She wants to use the party as an unaligned group in order to assassinate Lady Chamylla of The Petal Court , her daughter.
Lady Timber is unable to actively eliminate Chamylla, due to courtly rules of decorum.
Lady Chamylla's Petal Court has been sapping power away from Lady Timber's Timber Throne, and Lady Timber expects Chamylla will be making a play for the throne in the near future.
Lady Chamylla already arranged the death of Loreleia, her sister and Lady Timber's eldest daughter, in order to consolidate power.
  Party agreed to the deal and asked some bookkeeping questions.
When does the job need done by? -> Not immediately, but Chamylla is definitely amassing power and will likely be making her play within the coming months.
How can the party get into the Feywild and move about? -> Lady Timber provided the party with a number of fey twigs, minor consumable magic items which notify Lady Timber that the party would like to use her power to travel between the Prime Material and the Feywild.
Where does Lady Chamylla feel most safe and might let her guard down? -> Chamylla is unlikely to be without guards and attendants, but she likely feels most safe at the Enchanted Spring, a location within the Petal Court's area of the Feywild where magic and water flow in unison.
Do you want us to say anything to Chamylla? -> "I'm Sorry."

Rewards Granted

  • 1260 EXP/PC
  • An Promise with Lady Timber:
    • Eliminate Lady Chamylla of the Petal Court.
    • Complete the task within the next Prime Material month.
    • Edwyrd's debt will be paid in full.
    • Darnath's curse will be lifted.
    • The Timber Throne will deflect all possible retaliation away from the party.
    • An aspect of Chamylla's lingering power will be transferred to the party as payment (form tbd).

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
08 May 2023

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