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Mon 20th May 2024 01:53

Entry One - The Naming

by Ultora Shadowfrost

Finding myself opening my eyes I awake to find myself on a bed of grass in a confusing place. What is this place? I can't seem to remember. I don't remember anything now that I mention it. Sitting up I look around to try and gather myself to try and find some sort of trigger to maybe get some sort of bearings with where I am and who I am. Pushing myself up I realize that I am in some sort of field with intricate rocks just set in some sort of pattern. Looking back at where I was laid just moments before I notice that the stone was blank and the grass that I stood on was newer grown comparatively to the surrounding areas. I then go about to look at what is on my person.
I go through my pockets and find around 10 gold coins, a crystal with a strange aura, a bottle of a strange black liquid, some sort of rigid, stick like branch?? that I am using to write with, and two sets of leather bound collections of sheets of parchment. Later in my short journey I find that people call these different things ink (The black substance that I am using to parley the information onto this "Page"), an ink pen (the stick like object), and a book (the parchment binder). Though I may be getting a bit ahead of myself I also looked through these "Books" and noticed something peculiar. One of the books had no inscriptions while the other was filled about half way with various wording, or what I think is such, that is indescribably confusing because of the lack of order. On the other hand there could be order in the chaos of these pages. Some of these inscriptions feel confusingly familiar to me. This is something I would have to look into later and study, but I get the feeling that I should not let ANYONE near this for the time being. Not until I know what all of this means.
I took some time looking through this book and found some things that I began to familiarize myself with. I felt like I knew these pages intimately and I wanted to understand more. I tried to transcribe some of the beginning principles from the beginning of the book into what I am currently using as a "Spell book". There was some sort of code that I was beginning to crack or maybe because they were more of the fundamentals so they could not be easily de swayed from the original definitions. Once I had written one such process about some sort of control over some sort of mesh that laid over this land that I currently preoccupy I began to experiment with it. I felt the warping take place and use myself as a conduit for its expulsion?? There was first pulling the raw energy with what I call the "Source" which is the building blocks for all basic alterations but then I began to try and make small changes to the energy. I pushed it into my arm and condensed it in between my palms after trying to make some sort of pathway to grow the energy throughout my body. I then tried to create a small net, not unlike the one that is fueling this spell, to catch the runoff energy. This had a dramatic effect. I found that I was able to form some sort of crystal in my hand that ended up growing and seemed to be energy like and it felt like it wanted some sort of release. It was beginning to be hard to control and became unstable for just collecting more energy so I did the only thing that was natural to me and locked eyes with a branch on a dead tree and shot the energy towards it. When the beam of cold energy hit the target two things happened: First there was a beautiful impact with small ice crystals forming along the branch, and secondly my brain had struck me with some sort of imagery which came with some slight pain. Images of a similar moment happened in an alternate setting. This concerned me but also made me curious but one thing for sure I needed to continue but maybe another time.
I looked back at the first set of inscriptions and one thing stood out. It was the word ULTORA. I knew that this was what I should be called or what I was called so I decided to keep it. My name was Ultora.

The major events and journals in Ultora's history, from the beginning to today.

Ruins of Thundertree: The Brown Horse

05:17 am - 15.09.2024

Ruins of Thundertree: The Brown Horse

01:59 am - 15.09.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Old Owl Well)

04:10 am - 10.06.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Old Owl Well)

01:53 am - 10.06.2024

The Murkmire Malevolence

03:55 am - 26.05.2024

Entry One - The Naming

Finding myself opening my eyes I awake to find myself on a bed of grass in a confusing place. What is this place? I can't seem to remember. I don't remember anything now that I mention it. Sitting up I look around to try and gather myself to try and find ...

04:42 pm - 21.05.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ultora.