Vladrek Ravenbane

A dhampir necromancer born to a vampire lord and a monster hunter she had enthralled. Vladrek made a deal with Baron Molikroth, an archdevil of Sigil, for knowledge and power as well as his freedom.

1st of Tarsakh 1489

Tresendar Manor

by Vladrek Ravenbane

Today was the day we finally took the fight to the Redbrands at their base in the ruins of the old Tresendar Manor. First, we met up once more at the Alderleaf Farm to discuss a plan. Before we began, Ernaldis reminded us of the quasit that warned the Redbrands of us at the Sleeping Giant so Matthias used his divine sense. Though there was no quasit, Edgar was outed as a fiend to the party which has lost me some trust amongst some of our members.
With Carp's infromation on a second, secret entrance, we decided to split up into two groups to secure both so there was less of a chance that Glasstaff would be able to escape our confrontation. The group going through the front entrance consisted of the Lathanderites, Ignatius, Tristan, and Ernaldis. The tunnel group was made up of myself, Alphonse, Maggot, and Rosamel. Ernaldis sent Petri with me and I sent Edgar with him to establish communication between our two groups should anything unforeseen happen.
While Edgar informed me of the battle taking place in the old cellar entrance, my group investigated the crevasse cave in the middle of the ruins. At first we thought it empty until Alphonse reported feeling like something eldritch was watching him. Upon further investigation we found the corpses of several goblins as well as the bones of Thel Dendrar, the woodcarver the Redbrands killed only a tenday ago. Rosamel and Alphonse continued to search the cave while Maggot searched a nearby hallway. As Maggot returned to report that he found a secret door at the end of the hallway, Alphonse doubled over in pain as their flesh began to decay. It was as I both feared and hoped: this was a nothic's home. Using my knowledge of Undercommon being related to Elvish, I attempted to open up communication with it. Though difficult without knowing Undercommon, I was able to crudely communicate with the nothic which revealed themself and stopped attacking Alphonse. Thankfully negotiations with them were successful and the nothic told me it currently had an agreement of sorts with Glasstaff but it would remain a neutral party and further discuss the details of my deal with it should we be victorious over Glasstaff and the Redbrands.
Maggot then led us through the secret door where we found ourselves walking right into the middle of the other group's battle with the Redbrands and Cragmaw goblins guarding the cellar entrance. When one Redbrand and the goblin boss attempted to escape through a nearby door, Ernaldis cast sleep on them. Alphonse tried to retrieve the goblin boss but triggered a pit trap in the hall so they decided to use thornwhip and kill them instead. Ernaldis brought the surviving Redbrand back to their "barracks" to interrogate them with the help of detect thoughts and requested I join them. Though it became clear that this bandit was an idiot and knew almost nothing of importance but he did tell us how the Cragmaw tribe had supplied weapons to them and were about to supply armor to them in a few days. It seems Glasstaff was attempting to build a small army and take over the Phandalin region. It became clear that this bandit knew nothing else that would be useful but Ernaldis wished to further delve into their (probably) empty skull. After it was confirmed that the idiot was indeed an uninformed grunt, Ernaldis turned to me and asked if I wished to end the life of the unrepentant murderer. However I reminded him that we were actually in Tristan's new house and we let Tristan do the honors. Tristan released the bandit and armed them as to not kill a defenseless opponent though this truly did not change the fate of that bandit.
Now that we have secured the two entrances it is time to crush the Redbrands and defeat Glasstaff once and for all.

Vladrek's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489

The major events and journals in Vladrek's history, from the beginning to today.

Ruins of Thundertree: The Brown Horse

05:17 am - 15.09.2024

Ruins of Thundertree: The Brown Horse

01:59 am - 15.09.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Ruined Store & Weaver's Cottage)

01:18 am - 02.09.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Ruined Store & Weaver's Cottage)

01:18 am - 02.09.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Ruins of Thundertree)

06:00 am - 18.08.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Ruins of Thundertree)

03:14 am - 18.08.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Return to Phandalin)

05:45 am - 11.08.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web (Return to Phandalin)

02:01 am - 11.08.2024

Nest of the Eldritch Eye

05:58 am - 19.05.2024

Nest of the Eldritch Eye

05:58 am - 19.05.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web

05:12 am - 21.04.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: The Spider's Web

02:16 am - 21.04.2024

The session

05:32 am - 14.04.2024

The session

05:32 am - 14.04.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: Trouble in Phandalin (Redbrand Hideout cont.)

07:24 pm - 13.04.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver: Trouble in Phandalin (Redbrand Hideout cont.)

07:24 pm - 13.04.2024

Chapter 2 (Part 3): The Redbrand Hideout

05:51 am - 24.03.2024

Chapter 2 (Part 3): The Redbrand Hideout

12:37 am - 24.03.2024

The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption

It has only been a day since we fought those Redbrands at the Dendrar's. We thought we would have more time to plan out our eventual confrontation with them, but we were greatly mistaken. As we ate a hearty breakfast prepared by Mrs Alderleaf, we heard he...

06:01 pm - 20.03.2024

The Dendrar Home

After the unpleasantness of yesterday morning, we spent most of the rest of getting to know the town and its inhabitants as well as figure out the Redbrand situation. We did hear from some of the locals of a recent tragedy: the town's woodcarver, Thel Den...

04:08 am - 20.03.2024

Arrival in Phandalin

Today we finally arrived in Phandalin. First we completed our original quest of delivering the shipment to Barthen's Provisions and then delivered the recovered goods to the Phandalin Lionshield Coster. I went with Ernaldis, Bart, Matthias, and Melchior t...

02:42 am - 20.03.2024

The Cragmaw Goblins

After leaving Halvard and Tristan with the carriage, we followed Maggot to the entrance to the cave where the rest of the goblins were. As the party began bickering amongst themselves about Maggot, he fled towards the cave. Rosamel and I gave pursuit and ...

01:17 am - 20.03.2024

Goblin Ambush

After we arrived in Neverwinter, we quickly said our goodbyes to Altan and Dustyn and we were all relieved at the departure of that ass, Alareck. The rest of us had all decided to take the quest Tristan mentioned to me and Ernaldis though not all for the ...

04:56 am - 19.03.2024

Baron Molikroth

Today, with Ignatius's help, I was able to once again make my way to Neverdeath Graveyard and retrieve my old spellbook before heading off to the library. Ernaldis met me there with the new spellbook he purchased me and with his help we were able to quick...

03:22 am - 19.03.2024

The Redbrand Robbery

Today my training with my tutor was brutal as he kept pushing me to practice trying to create an arcane ward as I am supposed to be specializing as an Abjurer in service to House Grimhilde. I was later punished for failing to show results but this is a sm...

02:26 am - 19.03.2024

Vladrek Ravenbane

The Grimhilde family has begun living in a secondary home they purchased in Neverwinter. As their ward, they've dragged me along. Though I spend most of my time in my bedroom in the lower level beneath the home, I definitely find Neverwinter to be far bet...

12:01 am - 19.03.2024

Chapter 2 (Part 2): The Redbrand Ruffians

04:34 am - 17.03.2024

While nothing would be more enjoyable than stomping out the life of this pathetic roach of a man, this is Tristan's house. As as guests I believe we should defer to our generous host's judgment and allow them to deal with this.

04:33 am - 17.03.2024

The tactic of taking a hostage requires proper planning with information on the potential hostage as well as those that are supposed to submit to your demands. Also, you never want to hold your hostage too close to those that will be able to possibly overwhelm you and save the hostage. The Redbrands were clumsy and incompetent and very quickly lost control of the hostage situation so they had to divide their attention between dealing with the hostage and their rescuers. Absolute amateurs.

12:52 am - 17.03.2024

Chapter 2 (Part 2): The Redbrand Ruffians

11:08 pm - 16.03.2024

Prologue: Clowns and Cultists

08:27 pm - 16.03.2024

Prologue: Clowns and Cultists

08:26 pm - 16.03.2024

Prologue: Arcane Ambitions

06:56 pm - 16.03.2024

Prologue: Arcane Ambitions

06:56 pm - 16.03.2024

The Sleeping Giant

05:40 am - 10.03.2024

I'm getting really tired of these Redbrands. It's about time we did something about them.

02:57 am - 10.03.2024

The Sleeping Giant

01:25 am - 10.03.2024

Prologue: A Dark Bargain

07:28 pm - 09.03.2024

Prologue: A Dark Bargain

07:27 pm - 09.03.2024

Downtime in Phandalin

05:30 am - 03.03.2024

Downtime in Phandalin

05:30 am - 03.03.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver

07:19 pm - 24.02.2024

Lost Mine of Phandelver

07:19 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 1a: The Road to Phandalin

07:11 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 1a: The Road to Phandalin

07:11 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 1: A Dangerous Journey

07:04 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 1: A Dangerous Journey

07:04 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 2: Trouble in Phandalin

06:58 pm - 24.02.2024

Chapter 2: Trouble in Phandalin

06:57 pm - 24.02.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vladrek.