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Fox Yatari


He's nerdy soft boy with low self esteem i guess

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Homebrew

Citron Azriel Fox Rio
Run by munchillu
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Sun 7th Aug 2022 03:49

Temok: day 1

by Fox Yatari

We see the tall walls and guard posts of Temok; the gates are busy, the streets full, but orderly. Rio persuades me to hand her the note so she can read it.
"Dear Ellis,
There have been significant developments here at the Kaylong branch. I have sent this letter along with the adventurers that were involved with the event. To start, we had been having some issues with some sort of creature that seemed to be able to control other creatures and even people and was causing havoc with our field research in the Faewalker Ruins. Due to this, I hired Azriel, one of the adventurers, who is a ranger trained in tracking beasts. While waiting for her to arrive, discopriet Seril Dryalis decided to go out to the Ruins to see if he could gather information or try and help resolve the issue. He did not return for a few days, so when Azriel arrived, I enlisted the adventurers she had travelled with to help since situation had escalated. While these four adventurers were in the Faewalker Ruins, they discovered something concerning. They saw evidence of tampering with the site. It seems that runes were constructed and then concealed using illusory magic. Seril obtained a rubbing of the runes, which I have included along with this letter. From what I can gather, these runes may be used to channel energy. I figured you would have more knowledge and resources to decipher the purpose of these runes than I. Please forward any information you find to the Kaylong branch as soon as possible.

I will be frank here, I am concerned about what these runes mean for our security. We must implement better security measures because this should not have been possible. We are either dealing with a mole or a highly skilled magic user to be able to be undetected by us.

Furthermore, while in the Faewalker Ruins, the adventurers encountered a creature that could control not only other beasts, but also creatures including people. It seems that Seril had been mind controlled by this creature--they described it as a large slug with a humanoid face--and had thus been trapped in the Ruins. The adventurers freed him and defeated this creature. Before they did this, the creature said it was from the Feywild. I do not think it is a coincidence that a creature supposedly from the Feywild has made itself into the Faewalker Ruins. It seems like there may indeed be truth to the old myths of the Faewalker Ruins being related to the Feywild in some way. And now we may have evidence. More research must be done and we will need more evidence to back this hunch of mine.
I should also mention a small detail I found odd. It seems that before Seril had been charmed, when he was still exploring the Ruins, he thought he was only gone for a few hours, not the few days he had truly been away. This leads me to believe that there is a strange passage of time in this area. I'm not sure why there are so many strange occurrences happening lately at the Faewalker Ruins, which is why I must enlist your help. Any information you can gather would be incredibly appreciated.
I should also note that the adventurers are interested in finding out more about all of this. Frankly, I don't blame them after they were caught up in all of this. But do be careful as I wasn't able to do a background check on them (other than Azriel of course). Provide them with a little bit of information, but I would avoid spilling too much. You never know who they could be in touch with or who could overhear them. I should also note that Citron, the one in the armour, knew quite a bit about the runes. He was able to figure out that they were likely channeling energy before I let them know. If you feel they are trustworthy enough, perhaps he could be of help as he seems to know his way around runes.

Looking forward to hearing what you uncover. Best regards,
Coerator Theris Leung
The United Society of Scholars in Antiquity, Kaylong"
Rio then mends the letter. and sings a song (i didn't like it).
I buy three sushi sandwiches, one for me, azriel, and citron for later. (2 SP each)
we find the place we are going and approach the front desk, Willard helps us. We hand Ellis the letter.
we hear a mysterious voice "okiiiiiiilakdljfalkfs"
Ellis doesn't seem worried, only intrigued.
"so, there was a creature from the feywild who can control minds and shit"
Ellis pays us, Rio gives him the mouse statue, and we set out in pursuit of food. We take a nice boat cruise down the river and eat dinner. Citron washes his armour and himself.
We go into the Newts eye tavern and inn. Rio asks to play for food and board.

Fox's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Day One, Leeches and Storms
    09 Jan 2022 10:32:51
  2. Day Two, A Watery boi(girl)
    09 Jan 2022 11:13:37
  3. Day Three or four? Mushrooms are mean
    19 Mar 2022 03:15:03
  4. The rest of day three or four
    16 Apr 2022 04:22:47
  5. Jungle fun time
    14 May 2022 04:23:36
  6. Temok: day 1
    07 Aug 2022 03:49:13

The major events and journals in Fox's history, from the beginning to today.

Temok: day 1

We see the tall walls and guard posts of Temok; the gates are busy, the streets full, but orderly. Rio persuades me to hand her the note so she can read it. "Dear Ellis, There have been significant developments here at the Kaylong branch. I have sen...

03:49 am - 07.08.2022

Jungle time, it's foggy.

We Travel to Temok. I buy a pretty tent in preparation. I put it and a plain tent inside my used bag of holding. We travel through a jungle in a thick fog. about midday we come across a section of the jungle with huge spider webs slung across it. I burn ...

04:23 am - 14.05.2022

The rest of day three or four

Rio is upset at the charming creature, but as she begins to say awful things about them, I feel myself much less drawn to this strange man-faced slug-fellow; there may be something odd about them--or have I succumbed to the pressure of my peers?? I also f...

04:22 am - 16.04.2022

Day Three or four? Mushrooms are mean

Crystals and mushrooms are unpredictable and not wise to touch. Mouse statues could be useful as tracking devices if we planted cheese on persons of interest. The stones here tell stories I can't hear. Citron is small and knows things I cannot, I am im...

03:15 am - 19.03.2022

Day Two, A Watery boi(girl)

We camped overnight and then continued to Kay'Log. We met Avani, a water nymph in a pond. She's very friendly and likes gossip, she traded us a silver raven with magic in exchange for Citron's news of a researcher experimenting with divine magic; trying t...

11:13 pm - 09.01.2022

Day One, Leeches and Storms

An unusual storm hit our wagon an we sheltered in a cave. Rio appears to be some sort of bard and healed us, she also concluded that Citron is not a ghost. Citron hates leeches, Irie is a medic in training, I wonder how their people respond to this choice...

10:27 pm - 09.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Fox.

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