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Sat 16th Apr 2022 04:22

The rest of day three or four

by Fox Yatari

Rio is upset at the charming creature, but as she begins to say awful things about them, I feel myself much less drawn to this strange man-faced slug-fellow; there may be something odd about them--or have I succumbed to the pressure of my peers?? I also feel sluggish and my bones are weary. But as the others attack I feel strangely conflicted; my peers are attacking this creature but he seems so lovely? and so when the voice in my head whispers to shock Rio I do.
I probe his mind, his thoughts are focused on controlling people, growing in power with each mind under his control. He is narciissistic. He is not from here, he's from the faewild.
He is defeated eventually, and Rio wrote a song:
The Slug Man
By Rio of Su’saari
Theeeere once was a sludgy duggy duggy lil man
A teensy weensy winy lil blight on the land
A horrid lurid ugly scabby puke inducing worm
A slimey wimey ooy gooy lil pile of turd
He is a Nasty old bag
He has a face like an eel
And a voice like a hag
And he is the one and only Pellandril
Theeeere once was a sludgy duggy duggy lil man
A teensy weensy winy lil blight on the land
A horrid lurid ugly scabby puke inducing worm
A slimey wimey ooy gooy lil pile of turd
You’re a rotten pile of sludge
You should let us all go free
I’ll forever hold a grudge
So Get your sticky little fingers off of me
i should mention Citron is invisible but my mage hand helpfully points to their location.
the two strangers we encountered have woken up from their charmed state.
Azriel is taking samples from Pellandril. I take a mushroom that looks like a purple umbrella.
The strangers we found belonged to a united scholars of antiquity and seemed mildly grateful for our rescue.
"While traveling through the magic lands we came across an arrogant man
With long blonde hair and an average face
He begrudgingly said ….mmm k thanks then
He is a rather odd kinda guy
Who desperately needs some manners
When people save your life my guy
The appropriate answer is…WOW Thanks friends!"
We return to Kaylong and enter the scholar's residence. It is lovely, though my metal friend is uncomfortable, and i suspect if we could see their face it would be scowling.
Our new friend is Ceral, blond haired and humanoid, Ferris is teifling with long hair and looks always perturbed.
Ceral shows us the runes he created rubbings of, they struck him as strange, there was illusion magic in the ruins. Feris examins it, he thinks it strange.
Citron believes the runes were channeling magic.
we shall deliver news to the scholar's headquarters in the south.
I find a book on the faewalker ruins, it has been a difficult process to understand the place, but it appears to be culturally significant because of it's ties to magic: amplifying magic, strange events, similar to what we experienced this day. certain magical creatures have appeared there also, which could be why Pellandril was there.
a couple instances of people disappearing and reappearing sometime later with tales of visiting different realms.
Feris reported that the ruins tamper with the site. they want headquarters to send people to look into it more closely. He hands us an envelope with a wax seal to take to Tamak.
Looks like tomorrow we travel again.