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Sat 14th May 2022 04:23

Jungle fun time

by Fox Yatari

We Travel to Temok. I buy a pretty tent in preparation. I put it and a plain tent inside my used bag of holding.
We travel through a jungle in a thick fog. about midday we come across a section of the jungle with huge spider webs slung across it. I burn them away, we don't touch it.
We continue through the jungle till nightfall. Though we camp we don't sleep well and awake feeling groggy, but nothing happened on our watches and we set off again at sunrise.
The fog has lifted and in its place a steady and heavy downfall. We stop for lunch in a flowery area, my mage hand picks a big hibiscus. Nothing happens but when I poke the big purple violet flower that was creeping up on us after hiding behind Citron. When I poke it, I notice a pouch of acid that bursts on cirton, they don't seem pleased. Azriel beats the flower with her quarterstaff after we each get burned by acid, and Rio sings a silly song about myself which is amusing but shows a desperate lack of manners.
Fantastic Mr. Fox
He’s a slight man
Very very light man
Not a very right man
Kinda impolite man
Fantastic Mr. Fox
He’s a strange one
Not a very brave one
Thinks that he’s a grave one
But mostly just a frayed one
Fantastic Mr. Fox
He’s a rude man
Not a very good man
Totally off mood man
What is it you do man?
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Don’t poke the leaf, yeah?
Keep your hands beneath ya
The plant’s about to reach ya
When will it ever teach ya?
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The violet starts the kill us
I wish you would ha told us
That you were just a bulbous
Noxious piece of fungus
He’s fantastic Mr. Fox
On the third day we awaken to extreme heat that tortures Citron especially. Nothing much happens till nightfall.
We make camp for the night and Rio takes first watch. Pretty sure she was writing when I fell asleep. In my dreams I am discredited and my father disgraced and when I awaken Citron and Azriel tell me a cat sized slug leeched my brain.
I feel awful all of the next day buy luckily the sky is clear and the heat subsided. The only mentionable thing we encounter is a fruit tree. Citron seems to be looking at me suspiciously but I'm too tired to investigate the local flora.
As soon as we camp I fall into bed.
When we awake on the fifth day the clear skies have carried over and we set out, expecting to arrive in Temok by nightfall. After an hour of travel we come across a pond of clear, sparkling water. It is large and squarely in our way. We walk around the bank. The water is beautiful. I walk with my feel in the shallows, it is cool and I walk further in. As I enjoy the cool, clear water, I feel lighter and freer and find myself saying anything that pops into my head. I splash Rio and she joins me, she isn't very kind. Citron fishes me out eventually. I am decidedly less fond of Rio.
It is midday when we enter Temok.