

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On the 3rd of Rise, 324th Year a fire genasi gave birth to Ignus in a brothel in Kusca. His mother's name was Smolder, a beautiful woman that was captured by mercenaries from Houxshire near her home on the outskirts of Uxfjord. She was transported to Kusca and sold to the Colossus, a brothel. After some time she would steal the heart of an air genasi named Whisk who owned the black smithy in town. Whisk was ever busy with his work and had no time for the ladies at the tavern so he would frequent the Colossus to see Smolder. Whisk began saving his gold to buy Smolder's freedom for he had discovered she was pregnant with his child. A year after Ignus's birth Whisk was able to afford to buy Smolder and they moved into the black smith. Whisk crafted two wedding bands to mark the start of their family.   At the age of five Ignus suffered a great loss. Kusca was raided by a unit of the army of Bengrex. Three soldiers burst into the smithy and brutally beat the three genasi down to the ground. Whisk and Ignus were tied down and forced to watch Smolder be violated by each of the men. The man holding Ignus placed a blade in the hand of the child and clasped it shut. Ignus wailed as he saw where his hand was being headed. A hot red liquid drenched the gloved hand of the soldier as he made Ignus drive the knife through the throat of his own father. Smolder lay there bruised, bloodied and covered in bodily fluids as her son was forced into her view with a blade in hand. The blade was brought down into her chest as she raised her shaking hand to caress his face one last time. The human holding Ignus tossed him down and looked him in the eyes. The soldier of Bengrex had kiwi green eyes and a scar on his right eye. The man took the blade from Smolders chest and placed it just below Ignus's right eye and gave him a small cut. An ear piercing wale came out of boy. The men from Bengrex left him in his home along side his dead parents now an orphan. As Ignus sat on the floor he began to pulse and spew flames from his body as if his father was pumping air into him with a bellows from the smithy. The only thing he could think of was that mans green eyes. Rage and sorrow had consumed him to the point of blacking out. When the child awoke the only thing left around him was two piles of ash, each containing a wedding ring. This was the only thing he had left from his parents. Survivors say they saw a bright blue flash before the house exploded.   Three days after the raid on Kusca there were dwarven monks from Talonmere that came to offer aid to any of those who might have survived. Ignus was found in the remains of what remained of his home, he was malnourished and dehydrated. It was a female dwarf that had found him and brought him back to Talonmere. On arrival she left him at one of the aid stations for the refugees of the war. Over the course of two weeks Ignus spent his time laying in bed replaying the events of that night in his head. He had to be force fed food and water. Whenever someone tried to touch him he yelled and clawed at them like some sort of rabid animal. As his health returned to him he began to live on the streets of Talonmere, stealing food from the Autumn Avenue Market and seeking shelter in whatever alleyway he could find. When the young boy was not being a terror on the streets he could be found gazing through the window of a workshop where a tall man made of what appeared to be wood and iron worked on blades and armor. The sounds that rang out from the shop reminded Ignus of home, whenever the construct inside would meet eyes with Ignus he would run away. After some time when Ignus showed up to peer in through the window he was met with a vine being wrapped around his neck. The plants outside the shop had came alive and held him in place. The man of iron came outside and inspected the boy covered in dirt closely. As the child struggled, two red rings fell off of his person catching the metal man's eye. The construct began to kneel down to pick them up, seeing this caused tears to stream down the face of Ignus. "Boy, these seem to be important to you, where did you get them? This craftsmanship is superb." The metal being released the boy of his constraints as the plants returned to their normal shape and size. "My name is Nikola Erde, what is yours boy?" Ignus wiped away his tears and shakily said his name. "Ignus." This was the first time he had spoken since the raid on Kusca. Nikola returned the rings and invited the troubled orphan of war inside his workshop, he didn't say much at all as he began to give him a silent tour of each work station. Ignus's eyes lit up as he came to the forge. Warmth enveloped his body as he began to recall seeing his dad work metal in their home. "My Dad made these for Mom. The man with green eyes hurt us and made red stuff come out of Mom and Dad till they stopped moving." Ignus began to tear up. "So you are alone then?" Erde asked the boy as he responded with a weak nod. "We are the same child, I will look after you."   As time passes the Purity War comes to a end and the refugees of Talonmere begin to head out to reclaim their lands and rebuild their ruined cities. Ignus has gotten a tad older, hes now in his teens. He is no longer a ruffian on the street stealing from merchants to survive. Now he always has his face buried in a book about the arcane or running errands for Nikola around Talonmere. He has began an apprenticeship with Erde in the workshop to learn the ways of shaping metals with your hands. Ignus often gets frustrated with this so called apprentice position because all he does is fetch water and keep the furnace alive. At night when Master Nikola would enter his inert state Ignus would sometimes sneak out taking some of his Master's creations outside the walls of Talonmere seeking out The Man With Green Eyes and any remnants of Bengrex's forces that may still be lingering about. He did not encounter them often but when he did come across a human affiliated with their military he would kill them indiscriminately. The young man would ambush them, slit their throats with a dagger, then place his hands on the sides of their heads pumping flames into skulls. Out of all these encounters no one knew who The Green Eyed Man was.   By the time Ignus had become an adult Nikola had passed on to him everything he knew. The fire genasi had learned Dwarven and Sylvan from Erde for both communicating with the locals and understanding arcane runes places on their work. Ignus had graduated from merely assisting Nikola to making his own creations with his bare hands. He would go out into the night to test these weapons on the local wild life or any creature willing to bear its fangs at him. Nikola had began to teach him the ways of the Artificer, this allowed him to maintain an edge with cantrips and spells when on the outskirts of Talonmere. The search for The Man With Green Eyes had gone cold. He wanted nothing more than to find this man that had taken his parents from him and kill him with extreme prejudice. The magical weapons he crafted had this idea in mind. Eventually he would set out on a quest to test his weapons of destruction and track down this soldier. He leaves behind his father figure and master Nikola Erde in Talonmere headed to Tanghou to locate a ship to reach the southern continent to find more clues.
Date of Birth
3rd of Rise, 324th Year
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
230 lb


6 Questions: 1.Where was the Character Born? Ignus is a Kusca native, he spent 5 years in Kusca and 27 years in Talonmere. He is currently 32 years old. 2.Who are their parents? Mother is Smolder, fire genasi that was captured outside her home near Uxfjord by mercenaries from Houxshire. Father is Whisk, air genasi native to Kusca and ran a black smithy. Father figure is Nikola Erde of Talonmere, Grandsmith and Artificer that raised him. Ignus learned how to speak dwarven and sylvan from Nikola to use in crafting magical items. 2a.Are the parents/family still alive? Biological parents are dead, there are no other known relatives.   3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life? Became the apprentice of Nikola Erde of Talonmere, mostly consisted of fetching water and making sure the flames were at the right temperature. Eventually grew up to take over the store front but struggled with the anxiety of dealing with random people. Ignus got well acquainted with books about the arcane and magics of the world when he was not working. At night he would sneak out as Nikola powered down for the night, Ignus would test his creations on the wild life and any lingering Bengrex soldiers after the war ended. His favorite thing to do was to slit their throats and cover their ears with his palms as he pumped fire into their skulls.   4.Why did your character leave their previous life? Ignus is seeking revenge for his parents. He has no leads left in the Eastern Continent due to the war being over for 20+ years now. He seeks to learn of the Man With Green Eyes's whereabouts and to take his life with the same amount of cruelty he showed me. Until the day comes where he meets this man he will be improving his craft of being an arms dealer and the practice of creating weapons.   5.What did your character leave behind? Ignus leaves behind the workshop he grew up in and the residents of Talonmere. 6.What does your character want? (motivations) He seeks to hunt the man who killed his parents and to sell his creations around the world, the deadlier the better. If people are willing he will share the art of smelting with their hands.