Creatures and Mortality by Duo | World Anvil

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Fri 7th Jan 2022 05:11

Creatures and Mortality

by Duo

The preconditions leading up to the circumstance in which I am composing this reflection are both complicated and straightforward simultaneously. They are complicated due to the actors and motivations they possessed. Yet they are straightforward, as once one understands the players on the stage, the resulting decisions and direction that have led myself and my colleagues this far are very simple.
While I have done a poor job of documenting the exact passage of time during the course of this journey, I would estimate that it began roughly three 10-days prior. My traveling companions and I followed a rumor that unfolded in our discovery of the individual Edwyrd. Edwyrd, while not the core actor upon which I reflect, is a crucial component to the events that have followed. Edwyrd's history is a very disappointing one. A simple summary is in order. His family, for many centuries and generations, allied themselves with forces of the Fae. Through their pact, they were given prosperity in their kingdom. Edwyrd broke the contract through selfish actions, resulting in the downfall of his kingdom, along with potentially the most squandered of opportunities. The opportunity that was given to Edwyrd is that of immortality - the pinnacle of all mortal achievements. While his specific circumstances came with some criteria, I would argue that infinity - reduced by any quantified amount - is still indeed infinity. Thus, we found ourselves seeking a solution to separate Edwyrd from his granted immortality, as the fool chooses to count his thorns before his blessings. This agreement was the catalyst setting us forward on the journey that has followed.
Before continuing, I can assure you that Edwyrd has proven to be of absolutetly NO benefit. Despite his agelessness, he has allowed himself to be frozen at the moment of his granted immortality. He knows nothing of the power that encompasses him. He has made no effort to grasp at the eternity lying at his fingertips. I have restrained myself from berating him too harshly, as one consequence of his prevents clear communication between us outside of his domain of rulership (and I must re-iterate that a god, even when shackled, would still be a god).
Our journey through the wilderness of Faerun passed briefly through the domain of the black dragon Undreeg, Lord of the Lake. This was an encounter of which I hoped to take better note, as the dragon seemed to be approaching the pinnacle of mortal existence. Dragons are well known throughout the nations of the world as the most fearful, wrathful, benevolent, and simply powerful creatures. Yet, I must still emphasize that last descriptor - creature. We encountered this dragon, Undreeg, in the midst of a parenting session, instructing his brood of the hatred they should have for other mortal races. We acted as assistants in the exercise, serving as the objects to be hated by imposing our own superiority over them. In the natural order, those of higher status should be most offended by those of lower status lording over them. Undreeg granted us mercy in his domain. In the natural order, those of higher status are justified to show mercy and pity on those of lower status. Should I ever find myself arisen above Undreeg, I would deign it quite fitting should I someday show mercy and pity upon Undreeg in return.
In the most recent leg of our travel, toward rumors of one Fenbi Truefin, we have entered a broad expanse of desert. This desert is the motivation for my potentially preemptive reflection, for I cannot guarantee a return from this desert to civilization. However, I remain hopeful that the foray will prove profitable.
In this desert, we discovered a unique location which has aided me in putting several ideas in clearer perspective. We happened upon the remains of a long-gone wizard's tower. The tower was guarded by several sentries of undeath. Each, at is core, was an crystal imbued or focused with the power of undeath. These crystals animated corpses of sand and wrappings, serving at the defense of the desolate tower. Undeath is a notable variation on immortality, though incomplete of true immortality. My basic understanding of the craft is that while the undeath carries a semblance of eternity, it is very fragile. Firstly, the gift of undeath is usually paired with an imposed servitude. Secondly, while undeath allows for permanency when unaffected by external forces, the undeath can be extinguished by force or omission - either the undead is physically deconstructed or the flow of power creating the undeath is interrupted. In either case, the appearance of immortality is broken. The one outstanding question, which I hope to find time to study from these crystals, is whether the acting, autonomous entity present in the undeath is a new creation, a new soul, a new spirit, or whether it is an imprisonment of one that already existed. By studying this, I hope to better understand my own individuality. I, as a mechanically created being, have my own autonomy, but it is unclear whether my individuality is a uniquely created one or if it is one derived from a previously existing one. This will better help me clarify whether the creation of (or recycling of, for those convinced of perpetual re-incarnation) of a unique consciousness is innately tied to biological reproduction or if mechanical reproduction can also access that mystery.
The undead creatures did provide proof of one thing so far - that my entity is one currently tied to the cycle of life and death. Specifically, during our conflict, those creatures of undeath attempted to deconstruct the living essence of myself and one other, not through the normal means of physical deconstruction, but rather through some means of spiritual, life-draining interaction. This confirms my prior conviction that my personal entity is in fact one containing life. Thus, the act of my creation did imbue life into my form (though, as mentioned before the uniqueness of my spiritual entity is still open to interpretation).
The last note which I leave in this reflection is about the upcoming dialog I will have with Fenbi Truefin. Wrapping back to the original instigation of this journey, Fenbi may have a better understanding and clarity as to the powers at work which have granted Edwyrd his immortality. Learning what Fenbi knows will further my investigation toward my own ascension.