Big Brain Experiments by Duo | World Anvil

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Thu 26th Oct 2023 11:18

Big Brain Experiments

by Duo

Experiment for the appraisal of telepathically conductive material

Materials to test:
* glass
* clay
* wood
* iron
* steel
* stone
* jet†
* ruby†
† due to size limitations of these materials, container will be constructed to reasonable size rather than whole-brain, and a smaller sample placed within
Material cost estimate: 600g (200g excluding jet and ruby, only to be attempted if no otherwise suitable material passed test)
Emplace sample into rigid container composed of test material
Emplace divination-based interface weaves across sample and container
Attempt to link mind to sample via Helm of Telepathy
Compare result to baseline link established with no obstruction
Link exercises:
* probe for contact (UDP)
* probe for response (TCP/IP)
* probe for self-awareness
* apply command
* apply threat
* apply empathy

Experiment for inheritence of biomechanical neuro-operation

* polished stone
* emerald agate
* recovered undeath agate
* diamond
* lizard brain
* sheep brain
* humanoid brain (seek via donation of recently deceased, or confiscated from felon)
cost estimate: 200g
Combine biological and non-biological test material(s) via transmutation weave.
Infuse resulting gemstone into homunculous servant
* Homunculous's memories
* Homunculous's impulses
* Homunculous's skill aptitude

Experiments of Material Durability and Enhancement

Material to test:
* Sheep muscle
* lizard skin
* lizard brain
* pyrotol brain sample
cost estimate: ?
Pattern variations:
* honeycomb
* repeated sheets
* concentric ring
Layer variations of weaves of Abjuration onto test material
subject enhanced material to stress tests
* stretch
* compress
* heat
* freeze
* submerge
* puncture
* tumble