Frank Olen

Frank Olen is the professor of Cryomancy and other elemental arts at the Heatherton Evangelical Association for the Verity of Eternity in Nilaluma. He is a shorter, drow male who is stoic and soft-spoken.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Halth'aire

Keiko Rex Ryu Cameron Frank Avery
Run by Dawn.

The major events and journals in Frank's history, from the beginning to today.

Laughable how the Caelcoan government is refusing to aid Morduic refugees fleeing the arcane storm in Morduin. What happened to both of us being Nsalenoric elves? Are we not of the same blood? Bellas Beirin is a fraud...

06:02 am - 19.05.2022

Just saw that Minhil Faernor Alari finally allowed for the free worship of the Nsalenoric Pantheon in Aendrithor. Took long'd think that religious freedom would be a given in our world today.

05:50 am - 19.05.2022

Aeson did you buy me that makeup I wanted? I need that white eyeliner as soon as possible.

05:33 am - 19.05.2022

I should be at one of the top universities in Caelcoa, teaching students genuinely interested in the subject they're learning. Instead I'm stuck at this shit hole of an academy.

05:31 am - 19.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Frank.