Avery Son

Avery is a professor at the Heatherton Evangelical Association for the Verity of Eternity in Nilaluma, a mage's college in Aendrithor. Avery is a tall, elven man with long red hair. He is charismatic, outspoken, and energetic

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Halth'aire

Keiko Rex Ryu Cameron Frank Avery
Run by Dawn.

The major events and journals in Avery's history, from the beginning to today.

Date Night!

Me and Professor F. went on a DATE tonight!!!! IT WENT SO WELL IM SO HAPPY!!!

05:22 am - 19.05.2022

Queen! love her music! Favorite stuff to listen to when grading research papers!

05:14 am - 19.05.2022

So many papers to grade....who knew that being a professor was such hard work!

05:13 am - 19.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Avery.