Audrey Cerridwen | World Anvil

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Audrey Cerridwen

Audrey is a half-vampire third year Slytherin student at Hogwarts.

September 1993

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Harry Potter Alternative Universe

Ethan Evelynn Audrey
Run by Elisa R
August 19th, 1993

Journal Entry #3

by Audrey Cerridwen

Dear Diary,
I didn't bring my journal to Romania with me. I thought about it, but with so many cousins and aunts and uncles around there's not much privacy and I didn't want to have someone trying to read over my shoulder. It was really great being able to see them. I didn't realize how rusty my Romanian was until I was there, my nan about fainted one dinner when I asked the whole table to "Treci sutienul" instead of "Treceți untul", perhaps I should be more diligent about keeping up my language skills. I wonder if Archer will practice with me. I promised him that he could practice his weird mind reading thing on me this term, so I don't see why he'd be opposed to the idea. Knowing him, he'd think it's cool.
Speaking of Archer, I got a letter from him right before I left Romania. He seems to be having a great time in Egypt. I'm really glad that his family allowed him to go study with his brother. Sure, his brother is a blood purist asshole, but at least he's not stuck in that stuffy old house being ignored and talked down to by his whole family. Besides, I think Archer has always fancied himself an adventurer. I'm sure this is just fulfilling every childhood fantasy he's ever had about being the big strong hero, fighting off dark magical creatures, and rescuing the damsel in distress from some ridiculous trap. I can't wait to see him again. It's not the same around here without him, and there is so much I want to talk to him about. I really hate to say this, especially since I have a wonderful and loving boyfriend, but Archer is the one person in the world I trust the most. I feel like I can tell him anything and he'll stick by me. I hope he feels the same way. That'd be embarrassing if I place so much stock in our friendship and he doesn't feel the same way. He's supposed to be home right before term starts, so I probably won't get to see him until we're on the train back to Hogwarts. Damn, that means I'll have to share him with Margaret. Damn, is this how he felt when I started dating Graham? Oh. Well no bloody wonder he was an absolute terror.
Graham is having a rough go of it at the moment. His parents are splitting up. Apparently his dad cheated on his mum with someone he works with at the ministry. I can't imagine the pain that Graham must be in right now. He's spent all summer looking after his siblings and watching his parent's relationship completely crumble. I try to go over and visit with him everyday, he's even come round here and spent a few nights. I think he likes being able to get away for a bit. It's a damn shame dad has such good hearing... Not that I would try anything too salacious in the house, but if I even get out of bed while Graham is over my dad knows. UGH damn vampires.
Liam is not doing so great. The system we put in place to allow him to rest has completely fallen apart in my absence. I'm over there every single day now, making sure he's sleeping and eating. I'm also trying to keep Evelynn's spirits up. The date of the exam is drawing closer and the tension in the house is palpable. Fortunately, Ellie has been a godsend and has really made sure that Eve is alright. Liam told me that he has a promising lead. When I'm not assisting him, I've been working on take some old Romanian folk potions my family uses to quell their emotion-fueled magical outbursts. If all else fails, maybe those will do something?
Term starts in just a few weeks. Eve is supposed to be tested the week before. Everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright. If I keep saying it out loud, it's bound to come true. Right?

Audrey's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal Entry #1
    3rd July 1993
  2. Journal Entry #2
    14th July, 1993
  3. Journal Entry #3
    August 19th, 1993

The major events and journals in Audrey's history, from the beginning to today.

Journal Entry #3

Dear Diary, I didn't bring my journal to Romania with me. I thought about it, but with so many cousins and aunts and uncles around there's not much privacy and I didn't want to have someone trying to read over my shoulder. It was really great being a...

03:20 am - 08.11.2022

Photo of Audrey Cerridwen and Quintus Archer Travers taken in the summer of 1993 by Audrey's mother. Taken right after walk where Audrey planned on hunting Archer for sport. Audrey keeps photograph on her nightstand while at home or at Hogwarts or tucked inside her journal while traveling.

Spring 1993

Journal Entry #2

Dear diary, My family is leaving for Romania in a few days. Mum and dad told me that we would be going way back before the Easter holidays. I was so excited to go, but now with things being as they are, I feel like I'm abandoning my friends. Mum and d...

06:39 am - 07.11.2022

Journal Entry #1

Dear diary, Madam Pomfrey recommended that I start writing my thoughts and feelings down on paper. She said I was probably traumatized after what we all experienced in the Chamber of Secrets. To be fair, it was pretty terrifying and, sure, I do have re...

01:22 am - 01.11.2022

Wilhelmina Cerridwen

Spring 1993

Bram Cerridwen (of the Romanian vampire clan Moroi)

Spring 1993

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Audrey.

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Other Characters by inertialconfinement