Thay Thaneston | World Anvil

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Thay Thaneston

Hello! :) My names Thay and i'm looking for new friends and people to help me have an adevnture *adventure. Sorry, i'm a little new to this whole meeting new people thing so I hope I don't upset you at all. I appreciate you:)

The major events and journals in Thay's history, from the beginning to today.

Mr Zorrakhas... I don't feel so good ):

04:18 pm - 21.03.2022

Hello guys! ":)" I just want to say i'm really excited to be with you all and i'm happy that I found you "<3". - Thay.

10:37 pm - 13.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Thay.

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Other Characters by Dr_Idfk