Haarin Thaneston | World Anvil

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Haarin Thaneston

Professional babysitter. Mfw when the mother of the kid i'm looking after horrifically slaughtered my whole family.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Sludge Cinematic Universe

Haarin Guy Yfirge'Finn Dust Silvio Lucién Elthé Ruyi
Run by questingbeast

The major events and journals in Haarin's history, from the beginning to today.

Goodbye to Kinnorath and my travelling companions, I am truly sorry to be leaving you but this is a new start for Ruyi and I. I do hope we may all one day meet again under better circumstances, goodbye Lily, Mary, Relas and vengeance. May you all rest easy. - Haarin.

12:25 pm - 01.04.2022

I fear for the future of Kinnorath, it seems everyone is being driven from their homes, will there be anyone left by the end of this? - Haarin.

07:40 pm - 01.03.2022

This is the day my wife and I would take our children to our favourite little noodle bar, we always dreamed of one day taking them to a real restaurant, like the ones all the nobles dined at. Better times. - Haarin.

06:10 pm - 14.02.2022

R.I.P to all my old friends and loved ones, I am truly sorry for how everything turned out for you all. *Insert bible verse here* - Haarin.

11:24 am - 10.02.2022

I have spoken to Silvio and I am trying to post an "aymowji". Can someone please help me with this, I cannot find them.

06:09 pm - 25.01.2022

Life get's harder the more days go by.

11:16 pm - 23.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Haarin.

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Other Characters by Dr_Idfk