Guy Rynn | World Anvil

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Guy Rynn

Handsome, Genius, Poggers, #PirateKing

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Sludge Cinematic Universe

Haarin Guy Yfirge'Finn Dust Silvio Lucién Elthé Ruyi
Run by questingbeast

The major events and journals in Guy's history, from the beginning to today.


12:02 pm - 02.04.2022

Whether you're with me or stayin in this shithole, I wish ya the best of luck kiddos.

12:22 pm - 01.04.2022

Guys who'd win in a fight, 12 dogs or Finn by himself

08:14 pm - 28.02.2022

Ayyo, happy fuck day worms #Suiiiii

06:11 pm - 14.02.2022

Took Haarin for a drive now the kids are getting along, felt like the old guy needed it #TheyGrowUpSoFast

11:31 am - 10.02.2022

Need me some more bottles #LowStock

09:01 pm - 08.02.2022

Good 'ol memories, anyone up for some sailin? #Memories

08:45 pm - 30.01.2022

Haha looka this lil baby, can't even spell right #CallOutPost

06:17 pm - 28.01.2022

Me and my buddy straight vibin' #BroGoals

10:51 pm - 25.01.2022

Jus me walkin' me dog #MansBestFriend

05:34 pm - 24.01.2022

Travellin' with losers #CringeKids #Pooyi #Crust #Lizard #Slutvio #Poocien

09:43 pm - 23.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Guy.

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Other Characters by Dr_Idfk