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Prince Marros / Mayday Talae

True Neutral Half-elf (Noble)
Artificer (Battle Smith) 13
72 / 72 HP

Marros is, to be perfectly honest, completely lost in life. After all of the tribulations he's gone through on this journey, he's left with only questions and a profound sadness that will not leave him.

Campaign & Party

Sat 1st Apr 2023 10:09

Dear Ros,

by Prince Marros / Mayday Talae

Hey there, dear brother. It's me, Rio.
I took your journal. I don't think you're going to even notice it's missing. You haven't been writing in it much since Elion agreed to stick with us, but I get it. I know that there's so much going on in your head now, so much so that you don't even know where to start writing. There's also so much going on in my head, too, you know? We're really in the same position, Ros. More than I think you realize.
I don't know how to talk about what happened. I don't want to think about it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to say anything about it. But I do know that... You did what you had to do. You were protecting me. Us. You promised you'd protect me, and you succeeded. At an awful cost, but a necessary one. A life for a life, right?
We weren't raised that way. I hate thinking that way. But I have to think that way, because there's nothing else I can do. Elion traded lives in Everska and you... Defended me... And I... My magic was stronger than I thought it'd be...
But. People die. All the time. And all of the party have taken lives before. I will never think that it's okay to take a life from someone, but there will always be circumstances where it's either you or someone else. I... I never want to be put into situations like that, but that's what happened. The cultists are trying to destroy the world, too, so perhaps the loss of their lives is not such a tragedy.
I write, but that's not how I feel. And that's not how you feel either.
I don't know what's going on in your brain, Marros. What I do know is I love you. I will always love you. You're my brother. You've kept your promise, and I know that you will continue to do so. Nothing that you can do will make me love you less, and I'll never fear you or hate you (I did peek at your last journal entry, sorry).
I love you, brother. I know that things are awful now and it feels like nothing will ever be right again. Life does not stay awful. Bad can only last so long. It cannot remain cloudy. If it did, then the flowers would never bloom. If you cannot ever find a brightness in a day, then please allow me to be that brightness for you. I want to chase away your storm clouds, but you have to let me see them first. I don't care how dark they are. They won't scare me.
I am here with you. I will always be with you. Even if you do break and show me your undesirable side, I will not leave you. It might be good for you to break and lash out and be angry or cry. I know that you've always held yourself back. You don't need to anymore. Our parents aren't around to stifle you now. No one will judge you. You can do whatever you want to.
With love, forever and always, Riole.

Marros / Mayday's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Once Again, Hello
    11 Mar 2023 10:42:29
  2. Dear Ros,
    01 Apr 2023 10:09:56

The major events and journals in Marros / Mayday's history, from the beginning to today.

Dear Ros,

Hey there, dear brother. It's me, Rio. I took your journal. I don't think you're going to even notice it's missing. You haven't been writing in it much since Elion agreed to stick with us, but I get it. I know that there's so much going on in your head...

11:34 pm - 01.04.2023

Once Again, Hello

It has been so long since I last wrote anything down in this journal. I have lost motivation to write anything down. I care very little for most things now and I'm so scared. I've never felt like this before. I fear that if I write all of my thoughts d...

10:44 am - 11.03.2023

I do not want to write this so openly... I do not think it is wise to say this. I have discovered a glimmer of hope in this town the caravan is staying at, which is named Tinkertown. It feels too dangerous to write, however, so... I shall retract my statement. The Onyxbasher family are the leaders of Tinkertown and before arriving here I was aware of their involvement with constructing mechanical objects or forging weaponry. I did not know that they had a Royal Artificer. It is rather interesting that they do utilize artificers skills, and I saw several well-designed and excellently made constructs. Both Roly-Poly and Skyra were excited to see them, as well. Sadly, they were not paid as much attention to because of the seemingly commonplace role that constructs have in this town. It... It is bizarre in a slightly thrilling way to see so many mechanical beings around. I have never seen so many in one place before. It was fun to watch how they moved and interacted with the world. They all are much more sleek and nimble than Roly-Poly is. I think I have much to learn. And, coincidentally, or perhaps by fate, I got to meet the Royal Artificer. He is a.... very eccentric man. He is eager and excitable and not... Perhaps not as well-spoken as I expected a Royal Artificer to be. Hm, to be honest, I do not know what I envisioned a Royal Artificer to be. One with mechanical legs and a mechanical arm and a very jaunty disposition is not the vision, though. He is blithe and sprightly and buoyant and I was not expecting it. It is not a bad thing. I think it is, potentially, good for me to be around someone like him. He seems like he wants to help and he did give me an interesting magical object, although he also used me as a test subject and he knew my last name although I never said it aloud to anyone in this town. Or to anyone, the entire time I have been away from my kingdom. I... Wonder how he knew. Did he get in touch with the Royal Advisor? Was he listening underneath, since he said he was under the ground before? It is a curiosity that I do not have the luxury to explore. The missing people is peculiar. There was also the rumor of missing people among the circus folk. Entire search parties not returning is concerning. Towns disappearing is a rather alarming problem. Something noxious is afoot, and I do not know what it could possibly be. Unless... Could the invading force be kidnapping people for some reason? Performing experiments on entire towns to... do something? Or is it not related to Laralissi at all? It may not be. It most likely is not. The mysteries keep adding up and I cannot figure out how to piece together the puzzle that is unfurling before my eyes. It is mildly annoying. If I can find the looking glass Vic Straid told me about, then I know more will become clear. I wanted to go to the lake upon arriving at the Tinkertown outskirts, and I was surprised to hear that may be where the looking glass is located. Maybe I thought something was off about the lake. Maybe it was incongruous with my memories of this location from all of the maps I viewed when I was younger. Maybe I simply have a sense for abnormal things, as I did with the Heartstone. What a gift that would be. I think my parents would be very interested in it. My parents... My family... I must find the looking glass as soon as I can. I will have to tell the party of my goal, since I know Beef, at the very least, will want to know where I am going. I do not know what waits for me at the lake and it would be nice to ask Artemis to accompany me to it... And distract him from whatever he is doing in town? I already feel as if I am relying too much on the party. I do not want to ask them to come with me. This is my own personal problem and I will see to it that I resolve it myself. Er, with Vic Straid's help, I suppose, since he has a fascinating mechanical suit and he is very eager to go. I will inform the party of my goal and set off. They do not need to accompany me, although I have a feeling they might feel inclined to. It is a weird feeling.

04:57 am - 16.03.2022

I knew that Monty was not to be trusted, and I am not surprised that I am correct. Who is in the jailor cart? Who would be held captive by Monty, anyway? There are too many questions and I do not have any answers to any of them, so I will... Put it aside for now. I should bring it up with the party some time soon, so as to be sure that everyone is aware of what is underneath the surface of this circus caravan. My chest hurt earlier, which is quite peculiar. I wonder if there is an illness I have been afflicted with, perhaps? I do not feel ill in the slightest. I do not think it is much to worry about, though if it ever does happen again then some concern for it may be warranted. I am wanting to speak with Beef about Draconic so I will put my journal away for tonight.

11:30 pm - 15.03.2022

I am so tired from the events of today. The person who is in charge of these carnies is not trustworthy, I have decided. He is suspicious and I did not enjoy how he handled the situation with the assassin earlier. It is peculiar that an assassin would be after a Ringleader... What reason could there be? He said something about his relations with other people.. I do not know what to think. I have too many thoughts to write down and I am tired. I wish to simply rest. Was the assassin sent after me? Perhaps. He did target me and threaten to slice my throat. I think I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, though. I will believe that is the situation, because I do not know any reason why or even how an assassin would be sent after me. It makes little to no sense to me, so I will decide to stash the thought away for now and examine it later if I ever need to. Oh, right. Beef was upset with me earlier, for a reason I do not entirely understand. We discussed and I believe the situation has resolved itself, though it does make me wary of any future interactions I may have with him or any other different races. I think he misunderstood me and my intentions, which is unfortunate. I must be mindful. I will try to sleep now. My shoulders both hurt from the confrontation with the gnolls, so I will let them rest and recover. I do hope that no nightmares plague me tonight. I do not want to see my country burning again. I cannot...

02:05 am - 11.03.2022

My kingdom is in danger, and I am, at this current moment, in no position to help them. My family and people are suffering at the hands of an unknown invader and I am useless over here. I sincerely believed we had good relations with our neighboring countries. Mother has worked hard to soothe the egos of the nobles around us. Father has established alliances that are beneficial for all parties involved. Jenola is set to marry Fenian, and both Kevril and Elion are courting princesses from other kingdoms. Well, they are... They are trying to. Sincerely. But Elion is not as graceful as he should be and Kevril gets far too flustered when Mamae smiles at him. I miss watching them stumble and clam up. Roly-Poly was always so good at helping break through the awkward atmosphere. Lamra and Riole (and myself, admittedly) laughed at them and teased them when they got even more embarrassed. I miss.... I miss them so much. I hope that they are okay. All of them. Even Jes, my sweet, yet foolish, dog. I am sure I would have heard something if... No. I cannot allow myself to think like this. I must have faith that my family is alright. They are. I know that they are. They have to be. I cannot ruminate and let dreadful thoughts enter my mind. So, instead, the question is: what country is it that is invading my home? Surely it cannot be one of our allies. Mister Whitehall said that they were from across the sea, although I have never heard of any country across the sea with airships and humanoid constructs. What could they want with Laralissi? If they have made no demands or asked for anything, then why are they attacking? It would be a waste of assets and personnel to attack a kingdom with no goal. Do the attackers want land or resources? Do they want to eradicate my kingdom? Is this the start of something bigger? If the attackers from across the sea are more advanced then the kingdoms on this continent, I fear for the other kingdoms. No kingdom, as far as I am aware, is able to counter constructs and airships. If my family had not kept my magic a secret, then perhaps they would have a way to defend the kingdom now. I would have taught our talented craftsman and magicians how to create constructs similar to Roly-Poly. We could have been one of the most advanced kingdoms. I could have been a paragon, or at the very least relied upon, instead of being the ill-suited black spawn. Ah. Ah. No. Nooo. No, this is not a good way to be. I cannot be upset or resentful toward my parents or the advisors who (ruined everything) gave them less then ideal advice. Bad news is bad for me, I now see, because, apparently, it burrows inside my brain and breaks apart my mood entirely. There my mood goes, crumbling, disintegrating, turning to ash. Let me attempt to remedy this: it is good that I know that my kingdom is being attacked... although I feel almost powerless to do anything to help. I want to return home and save my kingdom, become a hero of some sort to my people... but I cannot go back to the place where I am the pariah of my family. This is not working. I think I actually feel worse. I hate this hypocritical and melancholic way that I am outside of my kingdom. I became too aware and it destroyed my life. I should have remained blissfully ignorant, like everyone else. I was not necessarily happier back then, but... But what? There is nothing to add to the sentence. My thoughts are in shambles and my penmanship is becoming sloppy. (Amendment: but I was with my family that loved me, even if... I was not the favorite child. Ha. That is putting it lightly.) If I could go back in time, then I would. If I could turn back time and avoid that encounter, then I would in a heartbeat. I had always wished for a chance meeting that would help me see how the world truly was, but now that I have had it, I would like to return it. Everything was better when I did not know the truth. Even as I write that, I know it is not true. Curse my hypocritical ways. I should have never left home, I now think. I should not have. I knew that it was not a good idea when I left, and now I am being shown by fate that I have made a terrible mistake. How pathetic my musings are. Po at least seems happy. He always is happy. I wish he could teach me how to be as carefree and cheerful as he is, although I am not someone who will ever truly be able to be carefree. Perhaps I could work on my cheerfulness. I do not think it is something that can be changed quickly, and I do not think I should enjoy myself while my kingdom is being attacked by- See? This is what I mean. I left home to take a breath but now I feel completely horrible for leaving my people in their time of need. I should return home as soon as I can, after I find a military power that will help my kingdom. I cannot go back home empty-handed. Maybe I should write a letter to my parents, to let them know that I am okay and that I am going to find help out in the world beyond the kingdoms' borders. I do not think I should inform them of where I am going to, since I... I do not want to be found yet. It is important they know that I am alright, though. If they have any concern for my wellbeing then I would like to assuage that feeling and reassure them that their black sheep is still baa-ing out in the pasture. Baa-ing out in the pasture, I write, with a rueful smile, because my joke is depressing. It is terribly lonely to be a black sheep surrounded by a family of white sheep. It is terribly lonely to be a runaway prince who cannot let anyone get close to him, because he is quite bad at keeping his true identity hidden. It is terribly lonely to be a dumb prince who had a few bad encounters in the outside world he was always warned about and became scared of people betraying him. I would like to cite my earlier statement, of how pathetic my musings are. They are the epitome of pathetic. I let the bad news infest my brain and poison it. Madam Mysteria must have put a hex on me, or maybe it was all the fumes in that tent. I shall blame this woeful mood on that. And on the bad news regarding my home that is very flawed but that I love. Anyway, onto greener pastures. (Another joke, and no one will ever see it.) The group that helped me rescue Po seem like decent folk. Beef, the copper dragonborn, gave me a gift, for some reason that I cannot quite discern. A peace offering? A show of good faith? Did he not want the ivory elephant so he passed it off to me? I accepted it because I did not really want to refuse a gift given for an unknown reason (maybe it is a cultural thing?) and the elephant was beautifully carved. Good craftsmanship, I must say, and try not to laugh to myself because that would be strange. No one except for Hazel would even understand it. Maybe if I came up with my own peace offering and sent it his way then I may be able to overcome my complications with him. I do think he was trying to help, back then, in his own way. He just... Seems difficult to get a read on, I suppose. I want to clear my head and approach tomorrow with a better mindset. I am not enjoying isolating myself, and Po likes meeting people, and truly? I do as well. As long as he is not almost captured again (thank the goddess he can screech so loudly), then I do not think it is necessary to separate myself from the others. I can be by them and be friendly with them and not let them know anything about me. I suppose I will need to get used to their presence, since I will be traveling up to Everska with them. Beef and Artemis both know of military powers I can request the assistance of, as well. A clear head, a goal, and a (possibly) good nights rest will be a good way to start anew. I would like to shed the skin I have taken on since leaving Laralissi, though it is a good idea to still be wary. Then, maybe, I should figure out a new way to balance my persona. I shall do so after I write my letter to my family.

12:18 am - 22.02.2022

It is a bird. The crimson colored egg is growing a very large bird, that I do not know the species of. I am quite excited for the creature to hatch. A bird... Perhaps it is fate that I discovered the egg. Hm. Yes, I enjoy this idea. It was a fated meeting, between the giant bird and myself. Even if it is simply a gigantic chicken, which it very well may be, I will still love and care for it as fiercely as I can. Hatch soon, Little Chick. Come out to greet the world and say hello to your mechanical older brother. He is very eager to meet you, even though you two are completely different beings. I love that he is excited. I love that he has developed the personality that he has. Peerless Potions was interesting. Damien was.... relatively helpful, although I feel he could have, perhaps, offered more assistance. Nonetheless, I am very glad that I acquired the potions that I did. I feel as if they will come in handy rather soon, if I have another unfortunate encounter. I do sincerely hope that luck is on my side and I do not encounter gnolls (or any other unfriendly species) anytime soon again. The bizarre is interesting. I wonder if there will be anything of use there. I do not want to be ogled again, though it is unlikely anyone would recognize me here in Altamira. Be that as it may, I shall not let my guard down again. I do not want.... No. Not again. I refuse to remember it. I refuse to experience anything like that even once more. Even if I must be unfriendly and unwelcoming to people, I would rather protect myself and Roly-Poly. Our wellbeing is what I must care about the most. Even if I do not like this persona that I am presenting. Even if it is not helping me at all. Even if it is terribly isolating. I suppose it is as Father would say; a worthy sacrifice.

01:36 am - 11.02.2022

My back hurts. I suppose that is what I get for climbing without any safety procedures set in place. My haste has caused me pain. I shall be more careful next time. While I am letting the pain subside, I will sit here and write in my journal. I do not know how long this task will take me, as I have never needed to locate a potion that the shopkeeper himself does not know the location of before, though I do not think however long it will take matters. If I am too long inside of this potions shop, named Peerless Potions, then I am sure the potion-maker will tell me to leave or Beef will come in to check on me. Will he be able to fit through the door? Or is he too large? If he is, Roly-Poly can come in to retrieve me. I believe he is fond of Beef. My plan is still in place, even if Roly-Poly does not like it. I do not intend to travel with Beef or with any other person. It is luck that we happened to be going the same direction. After I obtain the potions from the potion-maker (whose name I did not ask, shamefully) I will see what else of interest is in Marrowood and say my farewells to Beef, then keep heading east. He is not, as far as I can tell, too similar to... Well, he is not completely alike to... Though there are several similitudes... And I... My sentences are tangled. This reflects my inner turmoil. I must not do this. Do not postulate or theorize. Hypotheses and worries do not help me. I should not dwell on the past. I must keep moving onward. That is one of the few things my parents taught me that has served me well. I wonder what the name of the potion-maker is. I must learn it. It would be strange to ask what it is now, though, would it not be? Hm... I will ask for it later. I must also find something to help me navigate this tower. Perhaps the potion-maker has something that could assist me?

05:39 am - 30.01.2022

The day was a disaster, although it is entirely too negative to say that. How can I not? The weird human who entrapped me while the spider was baring down on me, all of the spiders and their deaths, the Heartstone and my stabbing it... I wonder if it is not too late for me to leave. I am not indebted to any of these people or to Altamira. I have no reason to stay with any of them. I have no reason to stay in this town. The right decision would be to leave I do not think I will be able to face the innkeeper, when the wizard tells him about the piece of Heartstone I coincidentally had. He already is keeping his eyes on me, although all I am doing is sitting at a table and writing. I do not think he trusts me. Perhaps he already knows what I have done. I could explain to him that it was necessary to ensure the spiders abandoned the town, though I do not think anyone will approve of my destruction of their main tourist attraction, no matter what reason I give them. (I do believe the placard to be false. The forest was beautiful and full of life after the Heartstone was destroyed. (I still cannot believe I did that and it worked. There were so many spiders atop it and the fire was burning so bright. I don't know how I survived.) I know that people create fables and myths in order to bring prosperity to their home, so perhaps that is what the situation is regarding the Heartstone? There is, hopefully, a modicum of truth to all of it, or perhaps there is not, and the people of Altamira are all liars and cheats. The innkeeper is still studying me. I retract my former statement, good sir, so please remove your line of sight from my person.) He has not. Alas. Roly-Poly is dirty and I must clean him. I cannot bring him into the inn while he is so filthy. I do not think I want to rent a room here, anyway, if the innkeeper is going to keep staring at me. A few silver pieces will make up for any grievances my presence at this simple table has caused him. It is not as if there are many other people in the inn, though... I shall depart from this inn and set out for somewhere else. If I leave now, then I should make it to a different town by tomorrow morning.

02:11 am - 21.01.2022

I have met several people today. They are quite interesting and seem very capable of combatting the creatures that reside within the woods. Hopefully I will be able to get along with them. All of them. Roly-Poly got filthy. I regret letting him be so heavily involved in the fighting, though he was unharmed and seemed to like the attention. Perhaps I have kept him sequestered for too long...

04:39 am - 16.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Marros / Mayday.