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Colette Dumont

Chaotic Good Half-elf (Criminal/Acolyte)
Monk 8
73 / 73 HP

Monk | Focus on the body | It lets you do cool shit like punch fast and catch arrows | Elias is my older brother.

Campaign & Party

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Other characters
Spring, 517

The day Corsari was attacked, as I remember it.

by Colette Dumont

Word that Corsari was being attacked reached mother and father just as the beast arrived on the other side of town. My parents instructed Helena, the nanny, to help me flee. I believe they also asked Elias to flee with us but he wished to stay and fight.

We ran for a long time. I do not know if I was the only child that escaped the town although I was the only one who escaped in the direction that we went.

We eventually arrived in Ravenspeak, the nearest city to our village. I was left at the Redgrave Orphanage for Girls by Helena. She told me she would return in a couple days with my parents so I could be bought home.

I was taken in by Matron Winterson who bathed me, clothed me and cut all my hair. I could tell even that early on that she was a witch.

Helena returned in a couple days although my parents did not. Helena explained that their bodies were found - they would not be able to pick me up. I was to remain here.

Elias was the only villager not accounted for. A small few made it out alive and every other body had been found.

Helena told me that Elias may come and collect me one day, seeing as the likelihood was that he was alive.

From there, I was alone.

The major events and journals in Colette's history, from the beginning to today.

We are actually back in Redsorrth! We have ACTUALLY gotten home! I have never been so happy. I never thought this day would come.

01:37 pm - 16.06.2022

Strahd is dead. Strahd is dead!

01:35 pm - 16.06.2022

We found The Sun Sword. It is sentient and will prove to be our most valuable asset in our fight against the devil. Elias does not wish to wield it.

01:35 pm - 16.06.2022

We slayed Strahd's butler and in return he killed an innocent girl. Soon Strahd's tyranny will be over.

01:34 pm - 16.06.2022

We painstakingly searched Strahd's catacombs and found some useful items. Most importantly: The thigh bone of Saint Markovia. It has the potential to destroy Strahd.

01:38 pm - 14.06.2022

Strahd's castle is overrun with traps. Either he is a prankster or not confident in his personal ability to destroy us.

01:36 pm - 14.06.2022

I have decided to be a kind sister and forgive Elias for the dark gift. We should not fight. Driving us apart has been Strahd's intention from the beginning and I should not let non-Strahd things draw a wedge between us, otherwise he wins. Me and Elias have made up.

01:35 pm - 14.06.2022

I wish Elias understood that he hurt me by doing this.

07:20 pm - 10.06.2022

Maybe it wasn’t a guilt trip and he was just sharing how he feels with honesty. Although if that is the case I think leaving may be the best decision anyway. I will not leave him until after Barovia though. We can put this bad feeling aside until after Strahd is defeated. We need to do that together.

07:19 pm - 10.06.2022

I will give him a few days to see if his actions reflect this evilness he has opened his soul for. Hopefully Elias is a good enough man to ward it off, although the way he tried to guilt me into agreeing does not give me much hope.

02:30 pm - 10.06.2022

1) clothing 2) monastic sword 3) Destrix’s sword 4) Laverna’s coin purse 5) my diary Things I have newly gained sentimentality for (such as the agate rings Elias and I share) will not be needed if I end this relationship with him. I wish to keep the necklace from mother but I could give it to Elias so it at least remains within the family.

03:27 am - 10.06.2022

I am more upset at Elias now then I have ever been in my life. Should I break my vow of loyalty? I do not wish to be sworn to a man who would pick evilness with intention the way Elias has done.

03:23 am - 10.06.2022

We explored the temple. We fought vampire spawn and other evil creatures. We remained largely unhurt. We are strong now and this is proving it.

03:22 am - 10.06.2022

We made our way to the Amber Temple. It is an evil place.

02:44 pm - 29.05.2022

We could not get my ear fixed. I will simply live with my mistake. I would much prefer it Elias was able to forget about the issue since he is teetering between far too overprotective and far too critical, and I think perhaps he is not handling the news that well.

02:43 pm - 29.05.2022

The people of Krezk do not like us. The Abbot did good on his favour but kicked us out. We had him get rid of my curse (I was cursed with horrific nightmares and bad sleep by the Mother Night).

02:41 pm - 29.05.2022

The winery folk are wereravens. They seem to have been helping and watching over us.

02:40 pm - 29.05.2022


I met Ricardo at the very first festival of Ameyla I attended. It was held twice a year at the church of Ameyla to celebrate the beginning and end of crop season. He was only two weeks older than me, and just like me was the only half-elf in his orphanage...

04:39 am - 22.05.2022

Sometimes the best cause of action is committing to a decision for the greater good, even when it feels like a mistake at the time. I have to hold on to this belief.

03:23 am - 22.05.2022

My... my right ear just doesn't work.

03:22 am - 22.05.2022

Well that was a horrible day.

03:22 am - 22.05.2022

Elias believes that I am an attention seeker. Quite the contrary. I would much rather go unnoticed.

11:33 pm - 28.04.2022

If I hated Redgrave so much why didn't I just run away? I went went through 13 years of hell and not once did I consider running away. I am a fool. If I was not smart enough to consider something as simple as running away I deserved honestly deserved that life.

11:32 pm - 28.04.2022

I am very tired indeed after that fight. I was running everywhere.

11:29 pm - 28.04.2022

We finished exploring Argynvostholt. There are revenants that want Strahd to suffer. And now they want us dead. We are so screwed.

11:28 pm - 28.04.2022

He claims not to blame me for it but Elias repeatably bought up me letting Strahd scar him. I knew he blamed me. Which is only fair, considering I am at fault for it. But I do wish he would just be frank about it instead of beating around the bush.

02:47 am - 05.04.2022

Elias kept insisting I try things that were not within my capabilities as a small child. "Why didn't you light your own fire to warm your own food?" without understanding the situation I was living in, without understanding how regimented my life was. For a grown man he struggles like a child would with the idea that other people grew up in much different circumstances. I could not simple get wood as a child. It was far out of reach of my abilities.

01:25 am - 05.04.2022

We met a Dusk Elf. I have never heard of that type of elf before. Probably because Strahd made it his mission to kill all the women and children Dusk Elves in a cruelly drawn out genocide.

01:22 am - 05.04.2022

We explored a mansion known as Argonvostvholt. It used to belong to the dragon, Argonvost. We had an army before this land was Strahd's. Strahd defeated the army.

01:21 am - 05.04.2022

I can run on water and up walls now.

11:53 pm - 31.03.2022

We went to the ruins of Berez. We killed an old witch. She didn't get a single opportunity. Easy.

11:53 pm - 31.03.2022

I can't tell whether my brother is a talented liar or a talented linguist. He claims he learned three languages overnight.

11:52 pm - 31.03.2022

Ughhhhhhhhh I'm so hungover.

11:56 pm - 19.03.2022

before you complain BROTHER drinking is ALLOWED here (drunken master! thazts me!) sometimes getiin pisssed iis spiritual healign So THERE

03:34 am - 19.03.2022

figiht s 1sp i will win !

03:30 am - 19.03.2022

(private NO ELIASEs) People ARE GOIN to disappoint you. Look at Andreas. stupod bastard!! Is it them or is it you? There must be a reason people don't like you Colette. Wake up! You're the problem. No one has everrrrr likeddd u. BITCh You deserve Barovia Sidenote: the good wine is good actually,,,,,i should get poisin immunity to drink that whgole vat no one esle cn DRink

03:30 am - 19.03.2022

I am Colette Dumont. I am a monk of the Order of the Evermother. I follow the Way of the Drunken Master. Look harmless, strike with precision. I must remember my teachings. Rely on the Self.

02:34 am - 19.03.2022

The Monastery had a daily routine. I need routine. Return to routine. - Awaken - Eat - Meditate - Learn - Eat - Meditate - Train - Eat - Meditate - Sleep Just like home. No time for other things. Structure is good. Focus on the body. Focus on the self. Get strong. Strength from the Self.

02:05 am - 19.03.2022

I took some time to reflect tonight on how grateful I am for my brother. He can be annoying beyond words but I would not change a thing. I would pick the hell that is Barovia with Elias over continuing in Ravenspeak without him any day.

11:05 pm - 17.03.2022

I tried to talk to Destrix but she did not respond. Is she not powerful enough to reach me consistently or do I not interest her enough?

11:03 pm - 17.03.2022

Elias made his first 'innocent' kill. He is pretty broken up about it. We buried the mage together for closure. I want him to understand that since the mage chose to fight us we had to defend ourselves. I have learned the hard way that there is nothing noble about refusing to defend yourself. It just gets you hurt.

10:19 pm - 17.03.2022

I bought a sewers kit so I could sew the cloak into something new (after I ruined it using it as a bandage). Elias told me that mother handmade all my clothes. I wish I had known that before.

10:15 pm - 17.03.2022

I gave the orphanage some money. It seems like they are growing up much better there than I did.

10:13 pm - 17.03.2022

I asked him about his scar on his cheek. He said it was werewolves. He asked me about the scar on my eye and I told him about the confrontation with Ilyana. He then opened up that he lied about the scar and that someone gave it to him, intentionally. He wouldn't give me their name.

10:12 pm - 17.03.2022

Elias asked me what items I kept after breaking my loyalty vow. My clothes, my sword, my coin purse, my cloak and my mother's pendant.

10:10 pm - 17.03.2022

Unsurprisingly considering she was a demon worshipper, but the Lady Watcher had a pentagram chamber and a cult. We killed each member. Then, Elias shot her imp, Majesto, and I pushed my sword through her. We tried to help her daughter. There was nothing we could do but set her free.

10:09 pm - 17.03.2022

After the Monastery, before Barovia.

Just over a month after leaving the monastery I settled into a habit. There was an inn on the outskirts of Ravenspeak, The Ivory Deer Inn, which was cheap for board, food and drink, designed for travellers. I would spend all day sitting with a drink in th...

04:17 am - 12.03.2022

My time living at the Monastery of the Evermother.

I moved into the monastery at 18. I spent the next two years developing my relationship with ki and working with Monk Andreas. I was taught all of the abilities that an understanding of ki will one day unlock for me. I started to become hyper aware...

03:49 am - 12.03.2022

The Order of the Evermother while I was at Redgrave.

On the seventh day of the week all of the girls would be taken to the church for a service. The route to this church went past The Monastery of the Evermother, where the Monk Order of the Evermother would train. Watching these monks train while walkin...

03:16 am - 12.03.2022

My time with the Vipers

I was always a very petite child. This got me noticed by a group of older girls at Redgrave when I was 6. They called themselves 'The Vipers.' The group consisted of Harriette, Ilyana, Yazmine and was led by Clemencia initially. As I grew older the group ...

02:32 am - 12.03.2022

Life in Redgrave Orphanage for Girls

I lived in Redgrave between the ages of 5-18. Girls younger than 5 start life with a foster mother. I just missed that cap. When I was taken there I was washed, dressed in the uniform and had my hair cut short. I do not suit short hair. They took my...

02:10 am - 12.03.2022

The day Corsari was attacked, as I remember it.

Word that Corsari was being attacked reached ma and pa just as the beast arrived on the other side of town. My parents instructed Helena, the nanny, to help me flee. I believe they also asked Elias to flee with us but he wished to stay and fight. We...

01:09 am - 12.03.2022

We chose to break into the Lady Watcher's house while everyone slept. Lady Watcher sleeps in her bed next to her dead husband. Lady Watcher worships demons. Lady Watcher has a daughter who believes she's a cat. Her bed has handcuffs. Truly, truly despicable.

11:29 pm - 10.03.2022

We headed to the lake to search out this mage and instead came across a fisherman trying to drown a child. We saved her, Arabelle. Such a petulant child. We returned her to the Vistani camp she came from (they rewarded us), only to witness a man being beaten with a whip. A cruel punishment. One that should not be allowed under any circumstance if it were up to me. Very unpleasant to witness.

11:08 pm - 10.03.2022

We visited the toymaker to get the children a toy. While there we were attacked by Strahd. He slashed Mine and Elias' faces. It looks like Elias is going to scar.

11:02 pm - 10.03.2022

We took a day out to rest. Elias feels better.

11:01 pm - 10.03.2022

Elias asked if I have ever broken my vows before. The vow of Light many times. I told him about how I broke the vow of loyalty and gave up all but 5 of my possessions for doing so. It hurt to grow apart from my Order and turn in Monk Andreas but it is what was needed. So if you must know, Elias, I saved all of the children that would have been hurt had I not whistle blown on Monk Andreas. I do not want praise for it. I am telling you because you asked.

04:44 pm - 10.03.2022

I opened up to Elias about my vows and my order. I am a monk in The Order of the Evermother and I have taken the vows of Courage, of Light and of Loyalty. I asked Elias to be my trusted one, meaning it becomes his role to make sure I am kept to my vows. He claims I broke two of them. I repented in the way my Order asks.

04:35 pm - 10.03.2022

I will summarise the entire experience: Ireena was drawn to a pool in Kresk. The water spoke to her, asking her to return. She jumped in. Tatiana and Sergei were reunited. Sergei was Strahd's brother and Tatiana his love, that Strahd also lusted after. Tatiana was reincarnated into Ireena. They are together now. Poor Ismark lost his sister. I nearly lost by brother too. He jumped into the water that Ireena got lost in when it was hit by lightning. I thought he was going to die. We returned immediately to Vallaki. On the way we were attacked by Strahd's men. Elias went down. I nearly did too. In a kick of Adrenaline I managed to hoist Elias onto my back and run with him to Vallaki. We are safe now, thank the gods, but he says he can't feel his legs.

04:33 pm - 10.03.2022


04:29 pm - 10.03.2022

The abbey is run by The Abbot. He is surrounded by these... animal people... these mongrel-folk. The Abbot is building a bride for Strahd. He wants a wedding dress.

04:29 pm - 10.03.2022

We were permitted entry to Kresk with the wine. The damned city doesn't have a tavern.

04:28 pm - 10.03.2022

That was a bad argument. I have been trying all day to show appreciation to my brother and they way he helped me connect with the wind somewhat and I am paid back by being told not to ever touch him and that I will never be loved by a good man. Wow. I wonder if I meditate in the evening the benefit will carry over to the morning? That gives him an hour away from me, which he seems to want desperately right now.

04:22 pm - 10.03.2022

I gave Elias the letter and made him promise not to read it. I hope he complies.

04:21 pm - 10.03.2022

Druids at Yester hill were making an Effigy of Strahd. Strahd arrived to see it and Elias shot him! Strahd also mentioned that the bow was a gift to convince Elias to join him. Why didn't he tell me that? Was he planning on doing it?

04:15 pm - 10.03.2022

I was contacted by a creature who called themselves 'Destrix' - the mediator between light and dark, between good and evil - is what they claimed to be. They tuned the staff into a short sword. I have made the decision to keep it.

04:13 pm - 10.03.2022

We spent a lot of the day resting before heading to the hill to retrieve the seed. I attuned to the wind and was rewarded. I developed the ability of the druids to craft flowers and predict the weather. I believe now I can also heal a small amount.

04:12 pm - 10.03.2022

While in the winery I almost died. I have gone down in combat before, but for the first time... for the first time I actually feared I would be greeting death.

03:20 pm - 10.03.2022

We headed to the winery (it had been out of action and Vallaki was running out of wine). It had been overrun by crazed druids. The cleared it out. The owners told us that they relied on magic seeds to grow the vines for the wine, but they had been stolen. They requested we retrieve them. I found an evil staff used by a mad druid. Elias and I plan to burn it.

03:19 pm - 10.03.2022

While travelling to Kresk Elias received a mysterious package from Strahd's carriage. It contained a bow. There was a letter with it but he did not let me see it.

03:16 pm - 10.03.2022

Since the church was no longer safe we decided to take Ireena and Ismark to Kresk. Outside the gates of Vallaki a black carriage was waiting to take us to Castle Ravenloft. There we dined with a vampire. He was taking a special interest in Elias.

02:22 pm - 10.03.2022

Elias seems dead set on me getting married one day. Where did this come from?

01:40 pm - 10.03.2022

We explored the Burgomaster's house. Izek had a room stuffed full of dolls that looked like Ireena. Very disconcerting. We also found a holy symbol that emits sunlight. It'll help us defeat Strahd.

01:40 pm - 10.03.2022

We had been tasked with retrieving the lost bones of a saint for the church. We looked unsuccessfully. When we returned to the church there were vampire spawn. And Strahd himself. Elias and I challenged his authority and he killed the priest. That blood is on our hands.

01:38 pm - 10.03.2022

Today was the festival of the blazing sun. The burgomaster is cruel to his people. Elias and I stood up for them my killing his henchman, Izek

01:36 pm - 10.03.2022

A letter from Strahd was waiting for us in the tavern when we retuned. He wants to meet us for dinner.

12:50 pm - 10.03.2022

We took a trip up to the lake. A man was following us. I was not fast enough to catch him.

12:49 pm - 10.03.2022

Elias found some hunters to talk to at the tavern. Maybe he'll stop complaining now that he's found some people who he likes.

12:48 pm - 10.03.2022

I don't want to talk about what we saw and learned in that windmill. I do hope that the children will be happy at the orphanage. Its a very different orphanage to the one I grew up in. Hopefully their experience will be a better one.

12:45 pm - 10.03.2022

We've gone to a rundown windmill. There's a raven and a strange stone monolith that seems to be representing the seasons.

12:38 pm - 10.03.2022

So Elias has woken up and chosen to be mean to me today. How pleasant.

12:37 pm - 10.03.2022

So my brother can be sweet. I have named him Honeysuckle (the horse, not my brother (my brother already has a name(its Elias))).

03:51 am - 10.03.2022

We checked out the shops and tavern in Vallaki. The town's motto is 'All Will Be Well.' Nothing seems well here to me. Nothing at all.

03:10 am - 10.03.2022

We decided to head to the town called Vallaki. The first day of travel was surprisingly fun; me and Elias had a good time. We fought some dire wolves on the way. Elias showed me how to skin and cook them. Maybe he was right about having supplies as I woke up drenched and covered in mud from sleeping on the floor.

03:08 am - 10.03.2022

Oh a horse! I've never seen the creatures up so close before. Lovely!

03:04 am - 10.03.2022

The Vistani told us we would have no allies in this place. Does that mean Elias is going to leave me? I desperately hope not. I don't want to be alone in the world again. Ever.

03:03 am - 10.03.2022

Me and Elias got a Tarroka (fortune cards) reading from these people known as 'The Vistani.' I do not like what were heard.

03:02 am - 10.03.2022

We have just been told that the ruler of this land is a man (vampire?) named Strahd Von Zarovich. If we want to leave it sounds like we must kill him. So be it. Lucky to have a vampire hunter on my side. If only he'd ever killed a vampire.

02:58 am - 10.03.2022

I'm going to meditate.

01:58 am - 10.03.2022

The events from the house are starting to sink in. Not just the violence and the decay, nor the sentient broom or suit of armour. Those poor children. I regret coming to this land that we seemingly cannot leave but I am so, so glad we were able to put those children to rest. It takes a truly despicable adult to starve a child.

10:55 pm - 09.03.2022

I've never heard of the land of Barovia before but it is COLD

08:46 pm - 09.03.2022


08:43 pm - 09.03.2022

Ohhh okay so the fog is BAD. How did we end up in this shit?

04:14 am - 08.03.2022

Wow it is FOGGY

04:14 am - 08.03.2022

Colette, you were right

04:13 am - 08.03.2022

I'm so TIRED of the constant arguing why is my brother so STUBBORN even when I am right URgh

04:13 am - 08.03.2022

So is having a sibling always this annoying?

04:12 am - 08.03.2022

I'm sorry was anyone going to tell me that my long-lost brother was going to come into the same tavern as me or was I always expected to figure that out on my own?

04:11 am - 08.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Colette.

Played by

Other Characters by Jotothejo