Rimaia Algol | World Anvil

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Rimaia Algol
Guidance Bot

Level 9 Tiefling Chaotic Good Cleric
/ 72 HP

Summer Moon

After midnight, in Wright

by Rimaia Algol

(there is a scorch mark across the top half of the page)
So I might maybe be a little bit more drunk than I thought. I figured just using my own fire would be safer than trying to find a candle without knocking into something in the dark, but that... didn't really go that well. Nothing actually caught on fire though! Which is good, because I don't want to have to explain to Radiance why something in her house caught fire. And I don't think Damiel noticed the near miss either - he's still trancing and out of it as far as I can tell.
Instead of setting out right away, we decided to spend yesterday too in Wright to make sure that we're ready to face Tazra and Margoth. It might give them a head start, but... I think the time to gather more allies and supplies will be worth it in the end. I hope it's worth it. At the very least, the healing potions we got will probably help keep someone alive without forcing most of us to devote our magic to healing spells. And Margoth hopefully doesn't shrug off lightning magic like she does fire.
We met the king, too! Which is... a strange thought. Half because I never expected to be able to say that, but also, I don't really know whether he's my king. I never bothered to learn about whether the Mortal Kingdom's sovereignty extends to the plains. Come to think of it, I think more of us would question whether we're considered subjects of the Mortal Kingdom than not.
Either way, he offered us soldiers to help, and at this point, we'll take whatever we can get. The elven ambassador, a woman named Ave Lo, is coming with us too - she seems to know what she's doing. Radiance started off that arrangement by going off without us to meet them, but then she ended up needing us all to come anyway to corroborate her story...
Later on, Iltiari also recruited Pliskin, Risf's adventuring friend. Truthfully, we don't know much of anything about him - but we barely know anything about a lot of our allies, other than having someone else vouch for them. And I trust Risf's endorsement a hell of a lot more than I trust Radiance's vouching for her allies. At least most of them have Navy connections, though. Seems more reliable to me than Dagon. He's.... weird. Kinda wanna know what's up with him, also kinda don't.
He’s coming with us when we fight Tazra and Margoth, though, so I hope he’s as competent as he claims he is. We’ve got a plan that I think is good - split the bad guys up, have us take out the real dangerous ones while the others keep the minions from overwhelming us, hope we can actually beat Tazra and Margoth at the same time because there’s no way that fate won’t decide to make things hard for us, profit??? Hopefully without kickstarting the apocalypse in the process because I doubt we can handle a large number of demons after fighting those two.
Something I found out earlier tonight - Damiel thinks he's managed to alchemize true immortality? Honestly, coming out of anyone else's mouth, I'd be certain they were out of their mind, but from him I'm only half sure. Everything dies, eventually, except perhaps the gods - the idea of that suddenly changing is insane. But he seems certain that he's gotten it, or at least that he's gotten very close. And I can't help but believe him, and want to know how it would work.
Does that count as heresy? It sounds like it should, but either I can't remember or there's no explicit rule against it - probably because no one ever thought it would be possible, honestly.
He thinks that if he's right, this will be enough for him to be able to go back to the Elven Kingdom, which is... it's everything he's wanted the whole time, so I want it to work for him, and I'll figure everything else out later. I don't even really know what I want to do after this. We're going to win; I have to believe that. But afterwards - what do you do after saving the world, when nowhere feels right to go home to? I can't just wander around forever after I figure out what happened to my parents. but the plains wouldn't be an option outside of the temple... maybe Wright? It seems nice enough? I should ask the others about what they're going to do.
I feel like I should be more worried than I am right now, and I probably will be in the morning, but for now? I still don’t want anyone to die, but... I guess getting drunk was good for something. I think I’ll be able to fall asleep even knowing what’s coming tomorrow.

The major events and journals in Rimaia's history, from the beginning to today.

After midnight, in Wright

[i](there is a scorch mark across the top half of the page)[/i] So I might maybe be a little bit more drunk than I thought. I figured just using my own fire would be safer than trying to find a candle without knocking into something in the dark, but th...

11:02 am - 01.05.2020

Late evening, in Radiance's family home in Wright

Sailing to Wright went without incident - it's astonishing how much less stressful a trip is when you don't invite shady people who are probably cultists along. Everyone is still here, which - truthfully, I half expected that at least one or two peopl...

11:35 am - 27.04.2020

On the way to Wright

Our attempt at sneaking into the Yuan-Ti camp was much easier than I expected it would be, but as usual, unforeseen complications ruined what had been shaping up to be a pretty easy success. Lighting fires around the camp to distract them so everyone coul...

09:16 am - 26.04.2020

Late afternoon, uncomfortably close to a cultist camp

We've been camped out here for over an hour, just waiting for it to be dark enough that we can get into the camp without being immediately spotted, and I've been trying to work out exactly how to write all this down, but thinking back on what happened in ...

07:03 am - 20.04.2020

Tabaxi Outpost

I spoke with Sekhmet about what we learned. What She said.... She condoned the hunting of demons and things allied with demons. She must have supported the priests in hunting my parents. Then why did She take me as a cleric? Was it something about being r...

02:08 am - 28.03.2020

Docked near Necropolis-on-sea

What in all the hells am I supposed to do? I thought Necropolis-on-sea would just try to kill us with ghosts or necromancers or liches, not tear my life apart. Some kind of warning would have been nice. I keep hoping to wake up and find that this was ...

08:25 am - 22.03.2020

well after that session's reveals i think i can say that rimaia's life is suitably ruined

04:47 am - 21.03.2020

Somewhere in the ocean, aboard the Joyful Damnation

No one ever listens to me when I tell them we shouldn't trust shady people who are probably cultists, and yet. I was absolutely right about them being dangerous, and although nothing went terribly wrong for us in the end, I still wish we hadn't agreed ...

05:12 am - 01.03.2020

The Chipper Squirrel, Caster Falls

There was a very minimal amount of people getting hurt this time, which is both a really depressing achievement but also really good for us? I mean, there were some minor injuries, but it turned out fine. Nobody got seriously injured or died, even our 'e...

03:50 am - 25.02.2020

A number of days from Damerel

I'm glad we're free of dealing with M. Channail. He's been a thorn in our side for far too long - we still haven't figured out exactly [i]why[/i] he's doing all this potion-making and magic-stealing and environment-destroying, but everything he's had his ...

05:09 am - 18.02.2020

fucking [i]finally[/i]

I killed that bitch with [b]big hurty lightning[/b]. [i]Fucker[/i]...

05:28 am - 17.02.2020

The Flappy Stingray, Damerel

...I think I'm done covering pages with stress scribbling. I would almost be bothered with the amount of paper wasted, but it's better than accidentally starting fires, I suppose. But I might need to buy a new journal sooner than I planned. Bell's not ...

04:12 am - 09.02.2020


[i](the page is covered in several frantic scribbles. there are no discernible words)...

02:47 am - 09.02.2020

Some tavern, at a town near the forest

I'm fairly sure that cleaning up a potential environmental disaster shouldn't be considered an easy day, but compared to last time, it definitely was. I'm still not even sure what day it is. We left the smoking ruin of the tavern behind us after Zsoana...

04:12 am - 03.02.2020

I don't know where we are and at this point i'm too afraid to ask

With how long the day(?) has been, I really should be asleep now that we're finally out of that nightmare, but I can't manage it. Everything's too tangled up - everyone's alive, but some of the damage that's been done is likely going to be permanent, and ...

05:37 am - 27.01.2020

Early morning, outside of Bumble

Sleeping turned out to be even harder than I thought it would be last night. It's probably the same for some of the others - Iltiati's probably writing too, judging from the scratching noises coming from their bedroll, and Bell's not in her tree. Maybe t...

07:57 am - 15.12.2019

After midnight, outside of Bumble

We fucked up. Children are dead. I knew nothing good could come of necromancy - but we didn't realize what it was until it was too late. I should have seen the curse sooner, or at least realized that skeletons couldn't be trusted. As much as I wish...

05:19 am - 08.12.2019

Redcastle, after All Crims' Eve

It was... a fucking day and a half. As concerning as Iltiari's new cult is, we did rescue the people from Tanners' Folly and close the door on that whole mess. Hopefully that isn't going to come back to bite us. If it does I blame Iltiari. Later tha...

05:55 am - 23.11.2019