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The Ragtags

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Legacy of the Titan Stones
8/3/2018 | Looking for Players


  • The Sword Coast
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 26th September 2020 20:00

Session 3: The Ore'heim

Sat 26th September 2020 20:00

Session 4 - Strange Companions, Dark Places

Sat 26th September 2020 19:00

Session 2: Newfound Friends

Sat 26th September 2020 16:00

Session 1: Eventful Beginnings

Mon 3rd August 2020 19:00

Session 0: Eventful Beginnings

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Bolivar Snooger

Chieftain Shremash Fthh

Wilhelmina Varel

Willy Greenbow

Frilnik Hazario

Xydendanthis Torvux Vulchurian

Uthal Bearkiller

Dra'go Shadowbane

Eldred Jonas

Catwyn Nodelkiir

Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle

Level 8 Tabaxi Chaotic Neutral Warlock
/ HP

Oathbreaker Zephyr

Level 13 Air Genasi CG Horizon Walker 9, Naivara's Champion 4
/ 129 HP


Olga Whetherby