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Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana

Neutral Eladrin (Noble)
Ranger 6
52 / 52 HP

Lost Queen Consort of the Lorthr'ten Tribes. Fleeing from those who wish to control her and searching for a way to protect the people she loves.

17 Rekindling 9048

Campaign & Party

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Thu 13th Apr 2023 02:02

18-19 Rekindling 9048

by Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana

On the 17th we celebrated The Day of the Bee. I'm not particularly familiar with the holiday but Miloš was oddly excited about it, it must be a big deal in Warwikhamp. We did some trivia at the inn we stayed at and we won 75 gold which is excellent because our funds are incredibly low at the moment. We were also able to secure lodging at the inn for free, although I'm unsure if that's because we won or not. The day was going pretty well until Throden summoned four swarms of bees inside the inn. That's where things went sideways. The other patrons got freaked out and in the chaos a little girl managed to slip out and saw the bodies we have in the carriage which is less than ideal. Wind talked to the girl and her mom and it seems like it won't be an issue, and now we have some curtains for the carriage. I don't know why we didn't have those to begin with, you'd think the Didacy would want us to travel a bit more inconspicuously. The night wound down and we all managed to get some rest before disembarking towards Firstbridge (gross) the next morning. Wind did wake up screaming in the middle of the night and it's just now occurring to me that we never discussed the nightmare that caused the screaming. Whoops.

We spent most of the 18th on the road. Miloš pried into Wind's personal life which unsurprisingly ended poorly. We had a discussion about the sharing and withholding of information and I'm hoping that maybe we'll be able to keep some things a bit closer to the chest moving forward, but I won't hold my breath.

Earlier today we made our way to the coast to do some fishing. Throden and Dwaiyn caught a bunch of fish for Gunk, Kieran, and Sky while I went for a swim. I keep thinking back to when I was younger and would venture deep into the Thicket. I feel like that is in some way connected to this Eladrin thing that has happened to me, but I'm not quite sure why. I was able to speak with Deedee a few days ago and she said that powerful glamours do exist that can hide someone's true lineage, but why would my parents have done that? If both of them are my biological parents, which one is the Eladrin and do they have the glamour as well? Or if I'm not their biological child, how did I come to be their child? I know the Eladrin that live in Lorthr'ten tend to isolate themselves from the other tribes and they aren't very keen on outsiders. But then why would an Eladrin give their child to Moon tribe and to a noble family at that? I feel like everyday more questions come to me and I'm so far from any answers. Maybe the Didacy will have some information in their archives that can provide me with some clarity.

Tomorrow we make our way to Firstbridge (gross). We're planning on just going straight through and not stopping for anything, hopefully we'll be able to see our plan through. There are boats on either side of the peninsula that we're currently on that bear a flag with a book on it. Throden told us that the night we stayed at The Last Stop she heard a bunch of horses go by in the middle of the night and someone in the caravan said "Admiral inbound, expect by morning." We're not sure which Admiral, but we doubt it's Lorgone because why would his flag have a book on it? He doesn't seem like the studious type. Wind did relay that information to Ecklund who told us that Firstbridge (gross) had gone dark. This is going to go well.

Xilmoira's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 7 Rekindling 9048
    13 Apr 2023 02:00:45
  2. 15-17 Rekindling 9048
    13 Apr 2023 02:01:40
  3. 18-19 Rekindling 9048
    13 Apr 2023 02:02:19

The major events and journals in Xilmoira's history, from the beginning to today.

I can't believe Dwaiyn did that

17 Rekindling 9048

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Xilmoira.

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Other Characters by mspappano