Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana

Written by mspappano

Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana (a.k.a. Moira)

Lost Queen Consort of the Lorthr'ten Tribes. Fleeing from those who wish to control her and searching for a way to protect the people she loves.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xilmoira is 6'0" and has a slender yet muscular build.

Identifying Characteristics

Xilmoira has long, silvery-white hair that she wears in ornate braids. Her skin has become more blue than purple since being transformed into a Winter Eladrin by Linthea. Her eyes are a light sea-glass green. Her pointed ears are adorned with various silver earrings and ear cuffs, the newest addition being a crescent moon charm made of bone which was crafted by Throden.

Apparel & Accessories

Xilmoira wears brown knee-high leather boots, basic navy pants, and a navy, high neck blouse. Over her base layer she wears a purple and blue dress that is kept fitted by her brown corset studded leather armor. She wears brown leather arm guards and a leather hoslter on her upper left thigh holding her Dagger of Venom and the dagger gifted to her by Tanyl. This is also the dagger she used when Vulren forced her to torture Tanyl. Her cape fades from a light blue to a navy and the cowl is fastened with a silver crescent moon pin. All of her clothing is threaded with silver.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xilmoira is the first-born child of Ilphas and Osonia Vamenor, a noble family in the Moon Tribe of Lorthr'ten. At a very young age, she was betrothed to Vulren Venzana in exchange for securing the Moon Tribe's vote in electing Vulren as the next King of Lorthr'ten. Following this betrothal, Xilmoira and Vulren spent increasingly more time together. She was educated in the magical arts and the nuances of statecraft at the Deirdretha Academy alongside Vulren.   Around the same time as her betrothal, Xilmoira also met Tanyl Kelxidor. Tanyl's father, Erannis Kelxidor, was the head of security for the Vamenor family and would often bring Tanyl along with him whenever he was on duty as Tanyl would eventually take over when Erannis became too old to serve the Vamenor family. Xilmoira and Tanyl's friendship blossomed throughout their youth and adolescence. Xilmoira eventually talked Tanyl into teaching her how to use a bow and the two would often train in secret in the depths of The Thicket.   Xilmoira and Tanyl's relationship shifted from platonic to romantic in their late adolescence/early adulthood and eventually resulted in Xilmoira conceiving a child with Tanyl, unbeknownst to him. Both Tanyl and Vulren believed that Vulren was the father of this child due to the conception being very close to Xilmoira & Vulren's marriage. With the help of Tanyl's sister, Amaranthae, the three of them devised a plan to convince Vulren that the child did not survive the birth. This would ensure that Xilmoira's son would not be raised by Vulren who had become increasingly more unhinged in recent years. Their plan was successful and following the birth, Kieran was passed off to Tanyl and Amaranthae to be raised. Xilmoira intended to be as present as possible for her son's upbringing and intended to inform Tanyl that he was the father following the completion of the plan.   However a few weeks after Kieran's birth, Xilmoira fled Lorthr'ten, leaving a letter behind for Tanyl to tell him why she had gone without saying goodbye. In this letter, Xilmoira also told Tanyl that he was in fact Kieran's father and not Vulren. While Xilmoira thought this letter had been received by Tanyl, a letter from Raleth Geleborn revealed that Tanyl was arrested shortly after her departure and has not been seen since Vulren fled the island. Xilmoira is unsure of both Tanyl and Kieran's whereabouts, and if Tanyl knows Kieran's true parentage.

Gender Identity

Cisgender female




Deirdretha Academy


Didacy Asset Retrieval Team - Current


Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana


Towards Tanyl Kelxidor


Tanyl Kelxidor


Towards Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana


Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana

Wife (Vital)

Towards Vulren Centruza Venzana


Vulren Centruza Venzana

Husband (Vital)

Towards Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana



Xilmoira and Vulren were betrothed in 8931and were married in 9038. In 9039 the couple suffered the loss of their newborn son, Kieran. Shortly after Xilmoira fled Lorthr'ten.

Relationship Reasoning

Political marriage to secure the election of Vulren as the new King of the Lorthr'ten Tribes.

Lost Queen Consort of the Lorthr'ten Tribes. Fleeing from those who wish to control her and searching for a way to protect the people she loves.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Former Queen Consort of the Lorthr'ten Tribes
Date of Birth
16 Harvest 8922
Tanyl Kelxidor (Paramour)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue-ish purple
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, Elivsh, Giant, Sylvan
Xilmoira Mini by HeroForge

18-19 Rekindling 9048

On the 17th we celebrated The Day of the Bee. I'm not particularly familiar with the holiday but Miloš was oddly excited about it, it must be a big deal in Warwikhamp. We did some trivia at the inn we stayed at and we won 75 gold which is excellent because our funds are incredibly low at the moment. We were also able to secure lodging at the inn for free, although I'm unsure if that's because we won or not. The day was going pretty well until Throden summoned four swarms of bees inside the inn. That's where things went sideways. The other patrons got freaked out and in the chaos a little girl managed to slip out and saw the bodies we have in the carriage which is less than ideal. Wind talked to the girl and her mom and it seems like it won't be an issue, and now we have some curtains for the carriage. I don't know why we didn't have those to begin with, you'd think the Didacy would want us to travel a bit more inconspicuously. The night wound down and we all managed to get some rest before disembarking towards Firstbridge (gross) the next morning. Wind did wake up screaming in the middle of the night and it's just now occurring to me that we never discussed the nightmare that caused the screaming. Whoops.   We spent most of the 18th on the road. Miloš pried into Wind's personal life which unsurprisingly ended poorly. We had a discussion about the sharing and withholding of information and I'm hoping that maybe we'll be able to keep some things a bit closer to the chest moving forward, but I won't hold my breath.   Earlier today we made our way to the coast to do some fishing. Throden and Dwaiyn caught a bunch of fish for Gunk, Kieran, and Sky while I went for a swim. I keep thinking back to when I was younger and would venture deep into the Thicket. I feel like that is in some way connected to this Eladrin thing that has happened to me, but I'm not quite sure why. I was able to speak with Deedee a few days ago and she said that powerful glamours do exist that can hide someone's true lineage, but why would my parents have done that? If both of them are my biological parents, which one is the Eladrin and do they have the glamour as well? Or if I'm not their biological child, how did I come to be their child? I know the Eladrin that live in Lorthr'ten tend to isolate themselves from the other tribes and they aren't very keen on outsiders. But then why would an Eladrin give their child to Moon tribe and to a noble family at that? I feel like everyday more questions come to me and I'm so far from any answers. Maybe the Didacy will have some information in their archives that can provide me with some clarity.   Tomorrow we make our way to Firstbridge (gross). We're planning on just going straight through and not stopping for anything, hopefully we'll be able to see our plan through. There are boats on either side of the peninsula that we're currently on that bear a flag with a book on it. Throden told us that the night we stayed at The Last Stop she heard a bunch of horses go by in the middle of the night and someone in the caravan said "Admiral inbound, expect by morning." We're not sure which Admiral, but we doubt it's Lorgone because why would his flag have a book on it? He doesn't seem like the studious type. Wind did relay that information to Ecklund who told us that Firstbridge (gross) had gone dark. This is going to go well.

15-17 Rekindling 9048

We encountered some bounty hunters on the road on the 15th of Rekindling. Four of them to be exact. They had instructions to capture me alive and dispose of the remainder of my party which obviously didn't happen, but they put up quite the fight. It was very scary and without my party members I definitely would've been captured. While I would never let them know it, it warmed my heart that they rushed to protect me. I haven't felt like anyone has cared about my safety in that way in a long time. The bounty included a crude drawing of us along with information that the bounty is now 10,000 platinum. The handwriting was not familiar to me, however I doubt that Vulren himself would have come to a Bounty Hunter's Guild site and write out the bounty.   Avalanche departed close to midnight and from what we heard he's headed to Hi Ba. It's surprising to me that the King would send members of his Bulwark across the ocean to Hi Ba when the Crag has invaded their backyard, but that's none of my business I suppose. I'm hopeful that Avalanche won't tell the King about Kieran. I can't believe that in the past few days we've managed to tell two people about my son, as if I didn't explicitly say that we should never talk about him. Both Miloš and Dwaiyn have apologized but that doesn't really cut it. We took great care to ensure that Kieran's existence was a secret and I fear for him in a way that I never have before. With Tanyl's whereabouts being unknown, I worry that Kieran has no one to keep him safe if Vulren or his agents come looking for him. In Raleth's letter they said that Vulren and his forces had been driven off the island but they fear retaliation. If Vulren believes that Kieran lives, his desire to retake the island will only grow.   Wind apologized for telling us that we "weren't a mental priority," which still makes me laugh. They let us ask them one question each and said they would answer it truthfully, it was very informative. It got us on the subject of names and families and such. Miloš talked about his father and how he had never known him and how he didn't want to know him. I asked him if his father did come to him if he would be angry with him or if he would want to get to know him at all. He said that he didn't want to know him, that he abandoned him. Does Kieran feel that way? He's still young but I don't know how long I'll be gone. I had hoped that his father would be with him to tell Kieran that I didn't abandon him, that I had to run. But nothing is turning out how it was supposed to. I bet Kieran hates me like Miloš hates his father. I deserve as much.

7 Rekindling 9048

Well. Today sure has been a day. We arrived at the dig site where Scipio and Drifter were last seen. We descended into an ancient dungeon that contained all sorts of relics and writings about Karjafriig (???) and Termina and Lady Lorthr'ten. Before we entered what turned out to be one of the largest chambers, we heard voices talking about "the boy" and how he would serve "Mithra'' in the end. As we entered the room we saw Linthea who it seemed had just killed two really creepy looking creatures. Once again we didn't talk to her much before we engaged in combat with her. She basically instantly killed Sylivar, the random guy we picked up in the Gravel Marshes. She also said something to me about "not knowing who I truly was." During the skirmish both Miloš and Dwaiyn became charmed by Linthea, which proved to be much more detrimental to me than anyone else. One of Linthea's Bone Devil's attacked me and as Dwaiyn began to rush to me to heal me, Linthea demanded that he heal her instead. He stated that he had to save me because I'm looking for my son. GAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll come back to this further down. We were able to kill one of her Bone Devil's before she escaped through what seemed like a Planeshift. Throden and Wind did manage to rid her of her left arm which I'm sure she's less than thrilled with. The fight ended and I fell to my knees vomiting up blood, my skin felt like it was on fire but cold at the same time, and there was an odd pain in the back of my neck. After I stopped vomiting I sat up and felt...different. But not different bad but different like this was how things were supposed to be. Like things had been set right and I had just never known something was wrong. I'm not sure if that makes sense. My skin is more blue than purple now and my hair is whiter than before but seems to have an icy sparkle to it. And before where I could only Misty Step about twice, I can now do something similar but with a bit extra. It's all very strange.   We found Scipio's body in a small pool of water in the chamber where we fought Linthea. He didn't make it. It breaks my heart that we have to bring him to his father like this. I can't imagine. I'm hopeful that the Didacy has some powerful Clerics that will be able to bring him back but that may just be wishful thinking. Wind is pretty torn up, understandably so. I'm worried about them but I don't want to overstep. Grief is very personal.   We made our way through the rest of the chambers and then returned to the surface. We found some magical weapons and other items, but no money which isn't great. We're pretty broke right now. Miloš took this strange powder that makes you remember things. I smelled it and it took me back to a hunt I went on with Tanyl. I miss him so much it hurts.   After we left the site, we started back towards Victus' Fall with both Scipio and Sylivar's bodies in tow. Obviously it makes sense to have Scipio with us, but Sylivar? Maybe I'm just a bitch but we really didn't know that guy all that well, I feel like we should have just buried him and called it a day. When we made camp, I tested out some of my new abilities. When I do this advanced Misty Step thing I can make people afraid of me, it's pretty great. We came to the conclusion that I'm an Eladrin now I guess???? I have absolutely no clue how.   Okay so back to the Dwaiyn thing. WHAT. THE. F U C K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING??????? SERIOUSLY??!?!?!?!? I am beside myself furious. I should have never said ANYTHING about Kieran to anyone!!! How could I be so fucking stupid????? Xilmoira what is wrong with you???? Tanyl and I went through SO. MUCH. to make sure that no one but us plus Tanyl's sister knew that Kieran existed and now one of our biggest adversaries knows about him???? AND she knows who I am so does she know who Vulren is?? Of course she does. If she has means of communicating with Vulren I am absolutely fucked. I cannot believe this. This is exactly why you don't tell people things Xilmoira, what is wrong with you? I cannot believe I let my guard down and told these people that I've known for less than TWO MONTHS that I have a SON. I have to stop thinking about it or I'm going to get up and strangle Dwaiyn. And then when I yelled at him about it in the dungeon all he said was "I thought I killed you." ???????????? Obviously not because I'm standing right here, alive! I guess he was worried that he healed me like he healed Sailor and we all remember how that turned out. But she was unconscious when she got stung and I was not and I remained fine. Okay I'm really done now.
Character Portrait image: Xilmoira, Eladrin Fey Wanderer Ranger by DagnaDraws


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