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13, Ia, 2077 idk

My Death? x3?

by Finn Zarkov

So uhh, I died.
Drakon, Halthor, Spoon and I all were going to this dungeon thing. along the way we stopped at the PPW town known as Juniper. We all explored a bit before setting out. I don't know what the others were doing, but I bought new sails for the ship we commandeered from the Victoricci Empire.
while those were being made up we all went set out for this cult dungeon thing where the wizard arnathles. one the way out of town, we met this wizard who said his name was Dwayne "the stone" Johnson and I sold Kakon and Mikes spell books to him for a staff of healing and a bag of holding. I gave both of them to halthor in exchange for this one question thing which will be a surprise tool to help us later. Mr. "The stone" also told us about arnathles killing his father Cave Johnson. we decided to question arnathles when we saved him.
Once we finally set out for this dungeon we came up with a plan to pose os new cultists hopefully wanting to join... this plan went straight out the window as soon as halthor opened his mouth. Long story short we cleared the place out, we killed cultists and some demon things they summoned.
Once this was done I found the object arnathles was in and I smashed it. he was freed and I covered his bare naked body with a blanket I had on me. We then questioned him and he said that he had killed a lot of people so naturally I attacked him, because we can't trust a murderer. long story short he killed me.
I don't remember anything until Spoon reincarnated me as a Halfling, Drakon then offered to use a wish scroll he had to put me back into my original body. this backfired and my soul went into my dead corpse. then the next thing I know is that I am back, but as an UGLY rock gnome.
Determined to fix the horrendous body I was placed in, I used the one question I got from halthor and asked where the nearest 3 wish scrolls were. We then went on a quest back inland in Tauris and found a dungeon with a Three headed Hydra Dragon thing that was sleeping. I shrunk it down with a spell and after a short battle we managed to take it out. I grabbed the wish scrolls it was guarding.
on the way back into town we stopped to camp out for a night because we were all tired. During this time I used one of my wishes to get my old body back successfully this time. and I used another to get a bag of holding with 25 diamond each worth 1000gp each. I then felt really bad for Drakon wasting his wish on me and I gave him the last one. after this Spoon was mining and found a tomb thing underground. we all checked it out before promptly getting it filled with sand. no one was harmed luckily and then in the morning we set out back to Juniper.
Once we got back, I bought a pair of gloves and a cloak and went to the ship to try and Infuse them with some magic. I made a cloak of protection which gives me extra armour, and I made a pair of gloves which allows me to catch small projectiles like arrows. Once everyone else got back drakon told me that the new guy we were with for a little while had sold drugs and was kicked out. He stowed away aboard our ship and we ended up forgiving him... barely.
After this we decided to head into The Stardom Religion of Ress's Territory to try and get them as allies to put some pressure on the Victoricci Homeland. This didn't work and we were denied entry to their capital city. Now we're currently on route to The Territory of which the resort Finn had is located.
That concludes this entry.

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  1. My Quest
    6th, Ia, 2077
  2. New People
    5th, Ia, 2077
  3. My Family
  4. Naval Battle
  5. My Death? x3?
    13, Ia, 2077 idk
  6. Casino Town
  7. The Military Base
  8. Immeasurable Power