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Wed 2nd Mar 2022 05:01

My Family

by Finn Zarkov

I am Writing this Journal Because I miss my family, I am having trouble remembering their faces because I've been apart from them for so long, this was even before the war. I can't remember thier faces very well, but I can remember what they wrre like so Here I'll Write That.
My Father, His Name was Kai Zarkov, He was a Strict father who did not like change very much, but I loved him because he pushed me to be better than even I though I could be from a young age.
My Mother, Her name was Mei. She was The Kindest person I had ever met, she helped my dad get out of a large Downward spiral in his life and for that, my whole family is Greatful.
My Brother Zayne. He was the only one who didn't hate me for leaving Faerous, Everyone else called me a deserter and a Coward for leaving Faerous, And Honestly, I don't even know Why I left, But Through all That he stayed with me, He even moved to Wokris with me before sadly Getting Killed at the start of the war
My Sister Lilah, I don't think she ever hated me for leaving, because Deep down, I think she wanted to leave as well, But she was scared of leaving Mom and Dad alone and what it would do to them to see all of thier children Leaving them. She was the best of them, She was Kind and Caring to me even when I was at odd with the rest of my family.
I really miss them All and I hope that they're All doing good wherever they are right now.

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  1. My Quest
    6th, Ia, 2077
  2. New People
    5th, Ia, 2077
  3. My Family
  4. Naval Battle
  5. My Death? x3?
    13, Ia, 2077 idk
  6. Casino Town
  7. The Military Base
  8. Immeasurable Power