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Wed 2nd Mar 2022 05:00

Naval Battle

by Finn Zarkov

So, Once we arrived back on Drakon's Main ship, we started to sail towards Tauris, where they said they had a friend who we need to rescue.
Once we were on our way, we spotted a battle in the distance, it was a Victoricci Ship versus a PPW ship, so after some planning we sailed over and engaged in the combat.
We positioned the ship off of the opposite side of the Victoricci Ship and we started boarding. After some quick work we managed to take out most of the top deck crew, including the captain.
We recruited two archers and one of the crew members who surrendered. Once we successfully cleared the deck, we signaled the PPW that we had claimed the ship.
They said we had made a friend and they sailed off. As this was happening. I went below deck and found about 30 crew members who were all below deck patching holes.
Once the ship had been repaired, I offered each of them a better pay per month, and bought thier loyalty essentially.
They were being paid 6 gold per month, I upped that to 1 platinum per month using Mike's money and I gave each of them a down payment of 20 platinum. This costed me 600 total for this mo th and will continue to cost me 33 Plat per month from now on.
O ce this was over some of our main group took the smaller ship back to tsinaal to check on the guild hall. And the rest of us are continuing on the go rescue thier friend.

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  1. My Quest
    6th, Ia, 2077
  2. New People
    5th, Ia, 2077
  3. My Family
  4. Naval Battle
  5. My Death? x3?
    13, Ia, 2077 idk
  6. Casino Town
  7. The Military Base
  8. Immeasurable Power