Meeting the One who Recued Me by Thiala | World Anvil

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Fri 2nd Apr 2021 04:25

Meeting the One who Recued Me

by Thiala Galanodel

With some effort, we were able to ‘cleanse’ Lazlo’s house. Unfortunately, the souls of the children Rose & Thorn were not able to pass on.
However, this has brought the attention of the local ruler, Strahd Von Zorovich, to our group. Seeing him has caused me much upset. This is the man from my dreams who stopped the nightmares from causing me more harm! When I finally got the courage to greet him, it seemed that he recognized me. I thought he was just a part of my fevered dream, but I guess I was wrong. How did he enter my dreams?
To add to the complications, it seems that Strahd is the one with the power to hold Rose & Thorn and keep them from passing on.
Plus, now the children don’t want to be left alone. So, it looks like I’m going to have a couple of tag-alongs for now. I hope the others don’t mind.