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Tue 3rd Aug 2021 03:19

Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly

by Thiala Galanodel

After the battle on Yesterhill….well, more like a fight really; Moth and I made it back to Vallaki and a room at the inn. I'm not sure what was more exhausting, the fight itself or knowing that Strahd and his brides were watching.
Because of the exhaustion I inadvertently opened a portal to the Eternal Rest Hot Springs. I know that it is a bit of a risk to go in with only Moth as back up, but how can I resist a chance to learn more about his brides.
Wherever this location is, it is beautiful. Upon entering, we were given a room and a list of places we are allowed to go to. After partaking in the hot springs and getting massages, we took time to rest.
Not too long after, I awoke to the sound of voices in a conversation. Ever curious, I made my way to the lounge and found the three brides of Strahd.
Seeing them all in this setting was a sight to behold. I could feel my passions pooling in me. I wonder if any of them would be willing to play as some point?
Though I guess, Countess Anastrasya had other ideas and grilled me on my loyalties to Strahd. What could I say? I told her that I don't have any trust in Strahd or them. My loyalty is to myself and my dark mother. I only fought against Strahd since he was trying to take Ireena. We had made a commitment to bring her to Kresk, not hand her over to him.
They also asked about the others. I gave them what answers I could since the others have not explained why they were sent to Barovia. I explained that I was there to find any information on Mordenkainen and to report back to Candlekeep.
Understandably they were interested in Ireena. I told them that she scares me and explained what I saw when she came back to life. To me there is no logical reason for her to be walking around and she makes me uncomfortable.
Later I decided to take up Ludmilla's challenge of a spar. The fight was tough and I learned I would need to work harder if I ever wanted to best her in a fight. I thought I was doing pretty well at least until she got a good solid blow that broke some of my ribs. The most frustrating moment was being awakened by Ludmilla after she knocked me out. All I could think of was kissing her she was that close…
After another soak and again being grilled by the Countess I made it back to my room. Thankfully Moth was there and I could indulge in her to help relieve my frustrations.
As an added treat Moth and I were given a tour of some of the areas of the castle before being sent on our way. Now to go over everything I have seen and learned. Right now any information that I can gather is going to be useful at some point.