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Mon 16th Aug 2021 03:05

A Day of Change

by Thiala Galanodel

This has been quite a day. While I was waiting for the other to arrive, I was spending time thinking of what Keres is asking me to do. The two things that I was stuck on was seeing Rose alive and happy, the daunting task of seducing Strahd and his brides. Two very different visions that will affect me different ways.
One that allows my deep desire to pass on my knowledge to one of my own and one that will allow me to indulge in my newly found passions.
I wonder if reflecting on these visions brought Ludmilla to my newly acquired lands. She had decided to gift me with two beautiful blood red crystal swords and has started to train me on using multiple swords in a fight. While I admit I am enjoying the lessons, I wonder what this is about. I doubt I have gained enough of their trust for them to be bestowing multiple gifts. Beyond that though, it was nice to be able to have a good conversation with a fellow warrior who is familiar with details of war.
Of course seeing the look of dislike when Ludmilla stated that she was going with us was rather entertaining to see. Part of me is enjoying this a bit too much. After mounting Shadeflame, I invite her to join me. It would not do to have a countess to walk while the rest of us ride.
After an encounter with some will o'wisps and a gallows speaker, we finally made it to Barovia proper.
We drop off the items that DJ and Gravetender were delivering and drop Ludmilla at the tavern before making our way to visit with Laslow.
I was so happy to see Rose again and the visions of her as a young woman teaching the children of Ivlis teased me again as we reunited. Unfortunately I was not able to talk with her right away, as there was business to discuss regarding the werewolves.
I noticed that the room we were in was shielded from viewing and scrying. This new feature gave me hope that I could provide the other two with information without the chance of Strahd or the others peeking in on our conversations. Unfortunately before I could pull the two aside for a private conversation, Ludmilla was at the front gate.
It seems that there was a group of people at the Eastern gate looking for the black cat DJ. Of course we went to see who was looking for DJ. Of all things, I was not expecting to see Renee and several others from Introsia. I informed Ludmilla of who they were to DJ and us. After that it seems that she was likely informing Strahd of the situation. Suddenly she tells DJ that they will be his responsibility before pulling out her crown and mounts that disguised hell hound to greet the newest guests to Barovia.
Seeing Ludmilla portraying an imposing Countess was awe inspiring. I might have let some of my desires out before I was really intending to. Oh well, I couldn't help it and it makes me ache for my beautiful Moth. I wonder how long I will be away from her. I'm going to wear the dear girl out with my needs when I see her again at this rate.
Once we got the Introsians settled at Laslo's, I was able to get DJ and Gravetender in one of the protected rooms and explained what is happening and that I am using the opportunity to spy on Strahd and the others. But to make sure that they refrain from telling me things that they do not want them to know as I am unsure if I will be able to hold much information from them.
But the most wonderful thing finally occurred. When the others were asleep, I made my way to the crypts and used the gift that Keres gave me to bring Rose back to life as my daughter. Seeing her living and breathing in her body was such a joy and a relief.
I hope that the others will forgive me for this, but I truly wanted her to be my daughter.