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Entry 22

The First Cant of Saepha

by Adjudicator

Where celestial grace fled, I beheld a vision infernal.
A Great Blood War, waged by the Accursed and the Profane.
A ceaseless hunger, for blood, souls, steel, and arcana.
A cosmic doom, eternal and unending.
My eyes failed and my heart faltered. To bloody and torn knees, I fell.
And then, I beheld another vision.
A maiden of immutable splendor, and the first spirit of vengeance. Clad in pearl-iron (translation is rough here), she wielded twin blades of fire and light.
Saepha, Maiden of Purity, Bane to the Maw-Beasts.
In despair, I beseeched her, and she came.
In pain, I doubted her, and she remained.
In resolve, I embraced her
And she bequeathed me her blade.
Ten thousand years of vigilance.
Ten thousand years of will.
Ten thousand years of battle.
And another ten thousand, still.
I am her blade, eternally honed.
I am unbroken, her shield.
I am her destiny, incarnate.
I am her Vengeance, revealed.