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Entry 24

Knowledge Lost, Salvation Found

by Adjudicator

The Tome (author unknown) called "Endless Slaughter" describes three ways to potentially ameliorate the threat of the Blood War:
I. Planar Plugs
II. Demonic Force Reduction
III. Planar Deflection
Additionally, a nameless black tome (author unknown) expands:
1. Planar Plugs: The pylons must be completed and placed in an array. Four are required, and they must be built from a planar conductive material and stand 40 ft. tall. The essence of a powerful entity (from the target plane) must be placed in each pylon. At least one must be from a demon lord. It reads as if dictated from someone who did it. Upon completion, there will be a burst of force energy (bomb blast). The pillars affect the land around it; the plug creates a warp field (i.e. abyssal radiation). The seal lasts for 1000 years. Premature destruction of the seal causes corruption of the land around it as the essence spills out. The technology was learned via resurrection of an ancient elven druid, who used the pylons to ward against the Fae realm.
2. DFR: Kill or maim one or multiple demon lords. Includes speculation as to whether lords are immortal or vulnerable on their home plane.
3. Deflection: More effective and lasts longer than planar plugs. Need 3 pylons on home plane and 1 on destination plane. Lasts longer than plugs. Condemns the "target" plane to demonic invasion.