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Entry 25

Machine Minds

by Adjudicator

After a day's research in Nonazar, I have reason to believe that other constructs like me exist. They were scouted by Dwarven sentries south of Skycrest Sanctuary, near an amorphous mountain range.
Maledrid, 3218: "Reporting on the latest from the 'three cities' which is a name now outdated. A fourth city appears to have been constructed wholesale. More disturbing than that, the Crimson Cliffs now extend southward a full days ride compared to their previous location. High levels of security with a readily expanding border wall, ever-present watchtowers, and manned aerial gliders patrolling the skies. Staggering shipments of many metals and it seems a few inside are wearing them as full body armor, covered head to toe...never seen anything of its like."
Maledrid, 3220: "4th city appears as robust, humming, and well defended as the rest of them now. This is speculation, but it feels appropriate to include. I no longer believe these are humans covered fully in armor, but rather made of metal themselves. I cannot confirm. Often I have seen them in two lines of five moving prcicely behind a commander of some kind. They are very well disciplined. I am moving to a closer location to attempt to confirm my beliefs."
Yazzen, 3221: "I've found the old camp. No sign of activity for some time. I will establish my site near the old lookout but still keep Sanctuary in sight. Will report any sightings of Maledrid at once, but will wait for instruction on how to proceed."